The “Kardashian’s” of Old Europe Hapsburgs (Catholic) Family Lands Added: Bohemia Hungary Parts of Poland & Italy
Attempted to unite the lands but had too many difficulties: Throughout the empire: Different languages Different laws Different assemblies Different customs
Never was able to develop a centralized system like France or Prussia (eventually)
Leaders Charles VI Didn’t have a son for an heir, just a daughter Maria Theresa (daughter of Charles VI) Difficulty being recognized as a true leader b/c no woman had ever been leader before.
Fought Frederick II (Prussia) b/c he seized Silesia (major Austrian Province) Fought in the Eight Year War Got help from Hungarians, British, Russians Couldn’t force Frederick II out BUT…. Preserved her empire Won support of the people
Reorganized the bureaucracy Improved tax collection Forced nobles/clergy to pay taxes Tried to ease the burden of taxes/labor services on the peasants Succeeded by her son, Joseph II
Prussia Old Germany
1600s – Hohenzollern (Protestant) Family * United lands by “filling in” the areas between their original provinces * Set up a central bureaucracy – very efficient * Reduced the independence of the Junkers (nobles/landowning aristocrats)
Leaders Frederick William I – 1701 (1st King of Prussia) Established one of the best armies in Europe Government was based on military values
Wasn’t looking for more war “Rented/leased” out his troops to make money for the country Won loyalty of the Junkers by giving them positions in the army & gov’t
Prussia was strong enough to take on Austria By 1740 Prussia was strong enough to take on Austria
Frederick II the Great (son of Frederick William I) Not interested in war at first Forced into military training by his father Enjoyed history, poetry, music, Enlightenment ideals Abolished torture Reformed courts
Allowed all religions (tolerance) Improved society Invaded/conquered Austrian territory (Silesia) – see Austrian notes Forced Poland to give up land Prussia disappeared after Frederick II until after World War II