Energy is the ability to do work Energy is the ability to do work. It is the ability to do work so it is measured in joules as well.
Work Work – In science, work is defined as force times distance. Joule – The unit of work.
Potential Energy Potential energy comes from the position of an object relative to the Earth. It is stored energy. Potential energy is not “used” until the object is moved to a lower position.
Kinetic Energy The energy of motion. An object in motion stores energy in this motion. It is the energy of motion. It increases with speed. It also can increase with mass.
Law of Conservation of energy Energy can never be created or destroyed, just transformed from one form into another. The sum of the potential and kinetic energy will always be the same, although some of the energy may be converted to frictional heat, but it is not destroyed.
Conservation of Energy The total energy of a system can be calculated by using the Potential energy equation for the object at it’s highest position. EP = mgh = 10kg (9.8 m/s2) 30m m = 10 kg m = g = h = 10 kg EP= 2940 J 9.8 m/s2 This is the total energy that the ball will ever have. 30 m What about if the ball fell one step? What would happen to the energy? 30 m
Can you find the potential energy of the ball on this step? EP = mgh What was the total energy of this system? EP= 10kg (9.8 m/s2) 20m m = g = h = 10 kg EP= 1960 J 9.8 m/s2 20 m 2940 J So what happened to the rest of the energy? It was expressed as kinetic energy as the ball fell. m = 10 kg How much kinetic energy? 30 m Conservation of energy states the total energy of the system should equal all the parts of the energy. ETotal= EP + EK 20 m 2940 J = 1960 J + EK EK = 980 J
Power Power – The rate at which work is done is called power. Watt – The unit of power. It is equal to one joule of work per second.
5.2 Energy Conservation Energy is the ability to do work. It is the ability to do work so it is measured in joules as well.