fintech eCommerce online customer experience In December last year, TBI Bank launched the first Open Market online crediting solution in Romania.
What is under the hood? Iovation Financial product set up including risk based pricing Surveys Risk engine Integration with Credit Bureau and other DB OCR
Customers were reluctant at first … But we managed to make it work.
What did we do to improve? Constantly improving the look and feel of the process UX improvements Educational video Visual material integrated in communications and UX. Clients are getting support through live chat and calls through the application process Close follow-up Customer centered campaigns Depending on the application status, the client receives communications to help going on with the flow, exactly when he needs it.
How do we integrate the e-shops? 30 minutes onboarding process Plugins for Plug and play API deep integration capabilities
How do we know our customers? Video call identification Can be accessed from any device Available 24/7 Trained anti-fraud agents Maximum security OCR technology
What’s next in terms of identification methods used? An option for authenticating with a valid card Piloting 1 RON transfer Making easier the identification process One more level of automation Biometric KYC Exploring new ways to ease the authentication process …
And we grew: In the beginning Now 41.276 156 3.800 2 Integrated e-Shops Platform users
Our entire application flow: