to extend the scope of the RbD Auditor‘s role March 2007
Current role As defined in V.9.5 to V.9.7 …….to conduct a review of whether,… in each relevant period, the Transporter has complied in all material respects with applicable provisions of the Code. 9.5.2 For the purposes of these paragraphs 9.5 to 9.7: "Aggregate NDM Reconciliation Charges" means User Aggregate Reconciliation Clearing Values and User Aggregate Transportation Charge Adjustments; In layman’s terms: is xoserve calculating the RbD charges correctly? npower, RWE Group 11/04/2019
Current role Year on year the report has identified that xoserve’s processes comply with code. Where issues have been identified they have not been material and corrected quickly. npower, RWE Group 11/04/2019
The way forward The narrowness of the role has prevented the Auditor from investigating other processes which have a bearing upon RbD. RbD Audit sub committee should determine which processes are audited. The extended scope needs to be in place before the process for the appointment of the new auditor next year. A limit on the number of man days to prevent excessive investigation npower, RWE Group 11/04/2019