密级级别:内部公开 生效时间:2016年1月1日 保密期限:无 LPR Image Setting
Default Setting WDR OFF Default shutter time is 1/1000 Default gain is 20 License plate is clear Background is dark Ensure the recognition rate WDR OFF
WDR OFF / Different Gain
WDR OFF / Different Gain When the gain level increase,we can see much more details on the background,but the license plate is overexposure.Bring out much more noise. When the gain level set to 50,the license plate is totally overexposure. So if we want to ensure the recognition rate when WDR OFF, gain level need to set less than 30.
WDR ON / Different Gain Gain = 20 Gain = 30 Gain = 40 Gain = 50
But the contrast of license plate is lower. WDR ON / Different Gain When the gain level increase,we can see much more details on the background,and the license plate is overexposure slightly. Bring out much more noise. But the contrast of license plate is lower. So if we want ensure high recognition rate,and also want to show much more details,we need to set WDR ON and limit gain level less than 50.
3、More details with WDR ON than WDR OFF. WDR OFF VS WDR ON WDR OFF WDR ON 1、The contrast of license plate with WDR OFF is better than the WDR ON. 2、The license plate number with WDR OFF looks clear, that’s good for LPR. 3、More details with WDR ON than WDR OFF.
Same Gain / Different Shutter 1/100 Darker 1/200 1/500 1/1000
1、Long exposure time, the moving license plate is fuzzy . Short shutter for LPR Shutter 1/25 Shutter 1/1000 1、Long exposure time, the moving license plate is fuzzy . 2、Short exposure time, the moving license plate is clear.
Entrance/Exit Low speed(<30km/h) Shutter 1/150-1/200
Street Medium speed(30-60km/h) Shutter 1/250-1/500
Road High speed(>60km) Shutter 1/500-1/1000
License Plate Angle < 5 degrees
License Plate Width > 130 pixels
(reduce wrong recognition like advertisement) Road Traffic Setting Don’t set the area around the whole image,bigger area cost much more time. Max = 2 * Min (reduce wrong recognition like advertisement)
Day/Night Switch Day: the camera stays at day mode. Night: the camera stays at night mode. Schedule: the set the start time and the end time to define the duration for day/night mode. Triggered by alarm input: the switch is triggered by alarm input, and you can set the triggered mode to day or night. Auto: the camera switches between the day mode and the night mode according to the illumination automatically. Triggered by video: the camera switches between the day mode and the night mode according to the video brightness automatically.
Difference between Auto and Triggered by video Auto: The IR device switch day/night mode according to the LDR. Usually, the value of LDR is fixed,it can’t be modified by software. Sometimes,the light outside is weak,but the LDR may be also stay at day mode.without IR_LED,a lot of license plates will be missed. Triggered by video:The IR device switch day/night mode according to video brightness. The threshold can be modified by software.
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