Stealing Home by Mary Stolz Created by Ms. Turitto
PASTIMES Pas-times NOUN Pleasant ways of passing times
TUTOR Tu-tor NOUN/VERB A person who/the act of teaching privately
DISPOSITION Dis-po-si-tion NOUN One’s usual way of acting/behaving
GLUMLY Glum-ly ADV. In a gloomy way
IRRITABLY Ir-rit-ab-ly ADVERB Doing something like a grump
BICKER Bick-er VERB To argue
To put an unwanted burden on someone IMPOSE Im-pose VERB To put an unwanted burden on someone
ill will towards someone GRUDGE Grudge NOUN ill will towards someone
Fill in the Blanks: Click and drag the words pastime irritably disposition impose bicker glumly tutor grudge The 2 sisters like to ________ over everything; they never get along. My neighbor still holds a _________ against me for egging his house on Halloween. I have a piano __________ that visits three times a week after school. His favorite _________ is sleeping in on the weekends. Bart Simpson _________ writes “I will not throw paper” a hundred times on the board. She usually has a sweet ____________, but for some reason, she is mad. As the alarm clock rings, I ____________ crawl out of bed to go to school.