Riding into Jerusalem, triumphant through the crowd, ‘Hosannahs in the highest’, the voices rang out loud; But it was only fleeting, the welcome would.


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Presentation transcript:

Riding into Jerusalem, triumphant through the crowd, ‘Hosannahs in the highest’, the voices rang out loud; But it was only fleeting, the welcome would not last For in the Father’s plan the die was already cast Knowing what awaited You, the death that lay ahead You chose to be obedient to what Your father said, And though You were reluctant and did not want to die The power of Your Father’s will You could not deny.

Your close friend betrayed You for a worldly cash reward; The people turned against You, the one they once adored And three times one denied You, and could not pass the test; Your followers in many ways no different from the rest. They were in the garden they could not stay awake; Did they not start to realize what really was at stake? You cried out to Your Father to let the hour pass You then remained obedient to His will at last.

Pain and suffering came Your way, hanging on that cross, Forsaken by Your Father, Your earthly life now lost; Lord Jesus now we thank You; Your sacrifice of love, Which guides us into glory with You in heaven above. Lyrics by John Waddell Composed Andrew Davis © Davis Waddell 2018