A simple approach to Optimal Health
Are You Really Healthy? Optimal Health – the absolute best state of health you are capable of Happy Better attitude and increased productivity Higher and more consistent levels of energy Awareness Healthy – not healthy, just not sick Sick – a fundamental failure at the cellular level
What are the facts? Findings are from the last Bureau of Statistics National Health Survey (in 2014). Article in SMH, 8th December 2015 Australians are fat and unfit but at least we are drinking and smoking less. Cassandra Szoeke, director of the Healthy Ageing Project at the University of Melbourne, said the health messages around alcohol ("don't drink too much") and smoking ("don't smoke") were easier for people to understand than healthy eating or exercise advice, which often differs depending on the person. "Poor diet, low physical activity, smoking, excess alcohol, excess weight and high blood pressure all contribute to heart disease, depression, diabetes and even arthritis," Associate Professor Szoeke said. "The top three causes of death in Australia are heart disease, conditions that affect circulation and dementia, and a lot of research has shown that you can halve the rates of these diseases by addressing these risk factors."
Optimal Health starts with healthy cells Cells make up every part of your body – if your cells become sick, your body becomes sick Free radicals can cause damaged cells to become inflamed – inflammation is thought to be the cause of MOST diseases today
Some case studies….. Tony’s story…
Jacqui lost 20kg & Luis lost 18kg in 2 cycles
A simple approach to Optimal Health