How to transfer your sandbox Canvas shell to the real Canvas
Go to Click on Canvas at the top Login to Canvas
Click on courses Then click on ALL courses
Click on the star on only the courses you want to see on your dashboard. Then click on Dashboard on the left or click on Courses under that, and you will see the list of the classes you want to see.
On Dashboard, click the three dots at the top right to change the colors of your classes.
Go to your old Canvas Sandbox course, click on settings Go to your old Canvas Sandbox course, click on settings. On the right, click on Export Course Content.
Export Type is “Course” Then click “Create Export”
In a few moments, it will be done. Click on “Click here to download”
On your NEW blank Canvas shell, Click on the course you want to build On your NEW blank Canvas shell, Click on the course you want to build. Scroll down and click on Add existing content.
Click on Canvas Course Export Package
Click on Choose File, then click on the package you downloaded.
Click on All Content.
IF you are copying this course from a previous semester and you want the dates adjusted, click on Adjust events and due dates. If you are importing this from your sandbox, and the dates are already correct, there is no need to choose this option.
Clicking on it will open more options Clicking on it will open more options. You would put the beginning and ending dates of your OLD Canvas course on the left, and the NEW semester dates on the right. If you never put dates in your old Sandbox course, you could put in the new semester dates, put the same date on both top boxes and the same date on both bottom boxes.
Click on Import. In a few minutes, your course will be done.
Click on Home Page Click on Publish to make the course viewable to students