THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE God's Plan is: 1. Always Good - Genesis 50:20 2. Personal - Psalm 32:8
THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE God's Plan is: 3. Detailed - Psalm 37:23 4. Joyful - Psalm 89:15
THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE God's Plan is: 5. Replete with wisdom - Psalm 143:8 6. Continuous - Isaiah 58:11
THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE God's Plan is: 7. Profitable - Jeremiah 17:7-8 8. Specific and Definite - Jonah 1:1-2; 3:1
THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE God's Plan is: 9. Eternal - Ephesians 2:7 10. An Assurance - 1 John 5:13
THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE Why we have trouble identifying God's plan 1. Some hold on to pet sins - sin blinds 2. The things of the world crowd it out
THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE Why we have trouble identifying God's plan 3. Some look in the wrong places for advice 4. Some are really afraid to relinquish control of their lives to God
THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE WHEN GOD SAYS "NO" (Acts 16:5-7) 1. His Plans are Bigger than ours (16:6-9) 2. His Provision is Better than ours (1Cor.2:9)
THE PLAN OF GOD FOR YOUR LIFE 3. His Program is more Beautiful (Heb.11:6) 4. His Protection is Better (Psalm 33:20,59:9) 5. His Providence is Better (Acts 19:6)