William Stallings Data and Computer Communications 7 th Edition Chapter 4 Transmission Media
2 Overview Guided media – provide a physical path (wire) Unguided – employ an antenna for transmission (wireless) Characteristics and quality determined by medium and signal For guided, the medium is more important in determining the limitations on transmission. For unguided, the bandwidth produced by the antenna is more important Key concerns are data rate and distance The greater the data rate and distance the better.
3 Design Factors Bandwidth Higher bandwidth gives higher data rate Transmission impairments Attenuation, limit the distance. Interference From competing signals in overlapping frequency bands. Particular concern for unguided media. Also a problem with guided media. Number of receivers In guided media, a shared link with multiple attachments. Each attachment introduce some attenuation
4 Electromagnetic Spectrum
5 Guided Transmission Media Twisted Pair Coaxial cable Optical fiber
6 Transmission Characteristics of Guided Media Frequency Range Typical Attenuation Typical DelayRepeater Spacing Twisted pair (with loading) 0 to 3.5 kHz0.2 1 kHz 50 µs/km2 km Twisted pairs (multi-pair cables) 0 to 1 MHz0.7 1 kHz 5 µs/km2 km Coaxial cable0 to 500 MHz7 10 MHz 4 µs/km1 to 9 km Optical fiber186 to 370 THz0.2 to 0.5 dB/km 5 µs/km40 km
7 Twisted Pair: physical description A wire pair acts as a single communication link. A number of these pairs are bundled to gather into a cable by wrapping them in a tough protective sheath. On long-distance links, the twist length typically varies from 5 to 15 cm. The wires in a pair have thickness of from 0.4 to 0.9 mm.
8 Twisted Pair - Applications The most common medium for analog and digital signals is twisted pair. Telephone network Between house and local exchange (subscriber loop, also called local loop) Within an office building To the in-house private branch exchange (PBX) For connections to a digital data switch or digital private branch exchange within a building. A data rate of 64 kbps is common. For local area networks (LAN) 10Mbps or 100Mbps; now support up to 1 Gbps.
9 Twisted Pair – Adv. and Disadv. Much less expensive than the other commonly used guided transmission media. Easy to work with (install and debug) Low data rate; comparing with other guided transmission medium. Short range
10 Twisted Pair - Transmission Characteristics Shielding and twisting reduce interference. May be used for analog and digital transmission. Analog: amplifiers every 5km to 6km Digital: Use either analog or digital signals Repeater every 2km or 3km Twisted pair is limited in distance, bandwidth (1MHz) and data rate (100Mbps). Susceptible to interference and noise: Easy coupling with electromagnetic fields. Impulse noise also intrudes into twisted pair.
11 Near End Crosstalk Coupling of signal from one pair to another Coupling takes place when transmit signal entering the link couples back to receiving pair i.e. near transmitted signal is picked up by near receiving pair
12 Unshielded and Shielded TP Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Ordinary telephone wire The least expensive of all the transmission media. Easiest to install Suffers from external electromagnetic interference Provides low data rate. Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) Metal braid or sheathing that reduces interference More expensive Harder to handle (thick, heavy) Support higher data rate.
13 UTP Categories Cat 3 Up to 16MHz Voice grade found in most offices Twist length of 7.5 cm to 10 cm Cat 4 up to 20 MHz Cat 5 Up to 100MHz Commonly pre-installed in new office buildings Twist length 0.6 cm to 0.85 cm More expensive but provides much better performance than Cat 3. Cat 5E (Enhanced), Cat 6 and Cat 7. see the table.
14 Comparison of Shielded and Unshielded Twisted Pair Attenuation (dB per 100 m)Near-end Crosstalk (dB) Frequency (MHz) Category 3 UTP Category 5 UTP 150-ohm STP Category 3 UTP Category 5 UTP 150-ohm STP
15 Twisted Pair Categories and Classes Category 3 Class C Category 5 Class D Category 5E Category 6 Class E Category 7 Class F Bandwidth16 MHz100 MHz 200 MHz600 MHz Cable TypeUTPUTP/FTP SSTP Link Cost (Cat 5 =1)
16 Coaxial Cable
17 Coaxial Cable Applications Like twisted pair, coaxial cable consists of two conductors. Most versatile medium Television distribution Ariel to TV Cable TV Long distance telephone transmission Can carry 10,000 voice calls simultaneously Being replaced by fiber optic Short distance computer systems links Local area networks
18 Coaxial Cable - Transmission Characteristics Analog Amplifiers every few km Closer if higher frequency Up to 500MHz Digital Repeater every 1km Closer for higher data rates
19 Optical Fiber
20 Optical Fiber - Benefits Greater capacity Data rates of hundreds of Gbps over tens of kilometers. Smaller size & weight; thinner than coaxial cable or bundled twisted-pair cable. Lower attenuation and is constant over a wide range. Electromagnetic isolation; optical fiber are not affected by external electromagnetic field. Thus, no interference, impulse noise, or crosstalk. Fibers do not radiate energy. High degree of security from eavesdropping. Greater repeater spacing 10s of km at least
21 Optical Fiber - Applications Long-haul trunks Metropolitan trunks Rural exchange trunks Subscriber loops LANs
22 Optical Fiber - Transmission Characteristics Total internal reflection of the signal. Act as wave guide for to Hz Portions of infrared and visible spectrum Light Emitting Diode (LED) Cheaper Wider operating temp range Last longer Injection Laser Diode (ILD) More efficient Greater data rate Wavelength Division Multiplexing
23 Transmission Characteristics Step-Index multimode Variety of angles will reflect. Different path lengths and times to traverse the fiber. Single-mode: Single transmission path. Used for long distance applications. Graded-index multimode: Varying index of reflection of the core. Used for short distance applications, LANs
24 Optical Fiber Transmission Modes
25 Frequency Utilization for Fiber Applications Wavelength (in vacuum) range (nm) Frequency range (THz) Band label Fiber typeApplication 820 to to 333 MultimodeLAN 1280 to to 222SSingle modeVarious 1528 to to 192CSingle modeWDM 1561 to to 192LSingle modeWDM
26 Attenuation in Guided Media
27 Wireless Transmission Frequencies 2GHz to 40GHz Microwave Highly directional Point to point Satellite 30MHz to 1GHz Omnidirectional Broadcast radio 3 x to 2 x Infrared Local
28 Antennas Electrical conductor (or system of..) used to radiate electromagnetic energy or collect electromagnetic energy Transmission Radio frequency energy from transmitter Converted to electromagnetic energy By antenna Radiated into surrounding environment Reception Electromagnetic energy impinging on antenna Converted to radio frequency electrical energy Fed to receiver Same antenna often used for both