1491 Pre Columbian America
Bering Strait
Recent Discoveries Raise Questions When did first Americans arrive? 15,000 years ago? 25,000? Earlier? Did they come from Asia AND Europe? Elsewhere? Did they come in waves or as one group?
When Europeans came There were hundreds of different cultural and language groups, each one unique. There is no monolithic Indian. However, one can speak in generalizations by region.
Eastern Woodland/Northeast Hunted, Fished, Farmed, Gathered Lived in Longhouses or wigwams Semi-nomadic Division of labor by sex and age Many cultures matrilineal
The Three Sisters Squash, Beans and Corn (Maize) Succotash
Southeastern Early Moundbuilder Culture Highly advanced, agricultural Sedentary Disappeared Followed by farmers and hunter/gatherers Often Matrilineal
Georgia Indians
Cherokee Village
Creek Village
Florida Indians