Prepositions Before Cities, Countries and Continents français C
Prepositions In French, you have to use different prepositions depending on the location all of the prepositions = “to / at/ in”
Cities Use the preposition à before the names of cities. à Berlin à Rome à Londres à Garner
Feminine Use the preposition en before feminine countries, countries beginning with a vowel, and all continents Most feminine countries end in an “e” except le Belize le Mexique le Cambodge le Zimbabwe le Mozambique en France en Espagne
Masculine Countries Use the preposition au before masculine singular countries. au Mexique au Canada
Plural Countries Use the preposition aux before plural masculine countries. aux Étas-Unis aux Philippines
Exemples Elle va à Houston. She goes to Houston Je vais en Italie. I’m going to Italy Tu vas en Europe. You go to Europe. Vous allez au Canada. You go to Canada J’habite aux États-Unis. I live in the United States
Prepositions Draw the following chart
Feminine or beginning with vowel country & Continent Prepositions Label the chart: Masculine Country City Feminine or beginning with vowel country & Continent Plural Country
Feminine Country, & Continent Prepositions Masculine Country City à au aux en Feminine Country, & Continent Plural Country