Changed Standard Report Categories Standard Reports Changed Standard Report Categories The following standard reports are now accessed through the Talent Profile category instead of the Employee Development category: Education Licenses & Certifications Memberships Skills Talent Profile
To access the these reports: Standard Reports To access the these reports: Practitioners and Managers can select Reports > Standard Reports > Talent Profile Do employees ever access reports? Add red arrows in C7
Standard Reports – Audit Trail The Audit Trail Report is being improved in several ways with this release: When running a report, Associates now have the option of displaying the user IDs for all ADP users An Audit Trail Report may be run immediately without choosing any selection criteria The report itself is now simpler to read, eliminating ADP database codes
Standard Reports – Audit Trail Specify Report Display Options When running an Audit Trail report, the associate now has the option of displaying the User ID of ADP Users by clicking on the checkbox at step 6.
Standard Reports – Audit Trail Run Now Option You now have the option of running an Audit Trail report immediately without choosing selection criteria. Select Run Now
Standard Reports – Audit Trail More User Friendly Report ADP database identifiers have been replaced with the actual information they represent. For example a string of numbers representing a plan name has been replaced with the actual plan name And in the example below, TAX_LOCAL-EXTRA_TAX_TYPE# below has been replaced with: Amount - 40.00 Selecting Reports gives you:
The Payroll Reports Landing page has been redesigned as follows:
The filter has been enhanced to allow for more robust search capabilities:
Standard Reports – Payroll Reports Choose from either Company Reports or Employee Reports when you apply your filter..
Old Payroll Report New Payroll Register Report
Standard Reports – Benefit Plan Summary Plan Type can now be custom-defined on the report to reflect US or Canada. It currently appears as Custom: <replace with Canadian sample>
Reporting To change from “Custom”, select Setup>Benefits Settings>General Settings: Label overrides have been entered as seen above
In this example, Custom_US is chosen. Reporting In this example, Custom_US is chosen. <replace with Canadian sample>
Reporting When the Benefit Plan Summary Report is run, the new label, Custom_US displays: <replace with Canadian sample>