John Locke and Enlightenment Thought


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Presentation transcript:

John Locke and Enlightenment Thought American Revolution: John Locke and Enlightenment Thought

Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

According to Locke, where did power reside? EXAMINE THE CHART: According to Locke, where did power reside? Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

ANSWER! The People Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

According to Locke, what do people do when they agree to give up some of their rights to live in harmony with each other? Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

Enter into a “Social Contract” ANSWER! Enter into a “Social Contract” Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

According to Locke, what is government’s job? Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

To protect the rights of the people ANSWER! To protect the rights of the people Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

According to Locke, what is the ultimate goal of government? Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

“Ordered Liberty”- people obeying laws and ANSWER! “Ordered Liberty”- people obeying laws and government protecting rights Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government All government power is with people

Why were Locke’s ideas about government Study the Charts Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government Centuries-Old Practice All government power is with people

Locke’s ideas challenged centuries old practice of ANSWER! Locke’s ideas challenged centuries old practice of rule by Kings, Emperors, and Tribal Chieftains and put power with the people Enlightenment Thought: John Locke’s ideas about self-government Centuries-Old Practice All government power is with people

John Locke: Quiz According to Locke, where does power reside? According to Locke, what is government’s job? Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? What did Locke believe all people had that rulers could not take away? According to Locke, what could people do if their government threaten their rights? What American document contains many of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas? What conflict did Locke’s Enlightenment ideas help shape?

John Locke: Quiz According to Locke, where does power reside? The People According to Locke, what is government’s job? Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? What did Locke believe all people had that rulers could not take away? According to Locke, what could people do if their government threaten their rights? What American document contains many of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas? What conflict did Locke’s Enlightenment ideas help shape?

John Locke: Quiz According to Locke, where does power reside? The People According to Locke, what is government’s job? Protect the rights of people Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? What did Locke believe all people had that rulers could not take away? According to Locke, what could people do if their government threaten their rights? What American document contains many of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas? What conflict did Locke’s Enlightenment ideas help shape?

John Locke: Quiz According to Locke, where does power reside? The People According to Locke, what is government’s job? Protect the rights of people Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? Challenged centuries-old rule by Kings and Emperors and put power with the people What did Locke believe all people had that rulers could not take away? According to Locke, what could people do if their government threaten their rights? What American document contains many of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas? What conflict did Locke’s Enlightenment ideas help shape?

John Locke: Quiz According to Locke, where does power reside? The People According to Locke, what is government’s job? Protect the rights of people Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? Challenged centuries-old rule by Kings and Emperors and put power with the people What did Locke believe all people had that rulers could not take away? Natural Rights (Life, Liberty, and Property) According to Locke, what could people do if their government threaten their rights? What American document contains many of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas? What conflict did Locke’s Enlightenment ideas help shape?

John Locke: Quiz According to Locke, where does power reside? The People According to Locke, what is government’s job? Protect the rights of people Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? Challenged centuries-old rule by Kings and Emperors and put power with the people What did Locke believe all people had that rulers could not take away? Natural Rights (Life, Liberty, and Property) According to Locke, what could people do if their government threaten their rights? Alter or Overthrow the government What American document contains many of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas? What conflict did Locke’s Enlightenment ideas help shape?

John Locke: Quiz According to Locke, where does power reside? The People According to Locke, what is government’s job? Protect the rights of people Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? Challenged centuries-old rule by Kings and Emperors and put power with the people What did Locke believe all people had that rulers could not take away? Natural Rights (Life, Liberty, and Property) According to Locke, what could people do if their government threaten their rights? Alter or Overthrow the government What American document contains many of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas? Declaration of Independence What conflict did Locke’s Enlightenment ideas help shape?

John Locke: Quiz According to Locke, where does power reside? The People According to Locke, what is government’s job? Protect the rights of people Why were Locke’s ideas about government considered radical for his time? Challenged centuries-old rule by Kings and Emperors and put power with the people What did Locke believe all people had that rulers could not take away? Natural Rights (Life, Liberty, and Property) According to Locke, what could people do if their government threaten their rights? Alter or Overthrow the government What American document contains many of Locke’s Enlightenment ideas? Declaration of Independence What conflict did Locke’s Enlightenment ideas help shape? American Revolution

“All people are free and equal” How did the ideas of John Locke influence Jefferson’s writings in the Declaration of Independence? LOCKE JEFFERSON, DEC. of Independence “All people are free and equal” “All people…have ‘natural rights’ of life, liberty, and property” “All original power resides in the people” “Government’s powers are limited to those the people have consented to give it” “Whenever government becomes a threat…people have a right to alter or overthrow it”

“All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” How did the ideas of John Locke influence Jefferson’s writings in the Declaration of Independence? LOCKE JEFFERSON, DEC. of Independence “All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” “All people…have ‘natural rights’ of life, liberty, and property” “All original power resides in the people” “Government’s powers are limited to those the people have consented to give it” “Whenever government becomes a threat…people have a right to alter or overthrow it”

“All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” How did the ideas of John Locke influence Jefferson’s writings in the Declaration of Independence? LOCKE JEFFERSON, DEC. of Independence “All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” “All people…have ‘natural rights’ of life, liberty, and property” “All men…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” “All original power resides in the people” “Government’s powers are limited to those the people have consented to give it” “Whenever government becomes a threat…people have a right to alter or overthrow it”

“All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” How did the ideas of John Locke influence Jefferson’s writings in the Declaration of Independence? LOCKE JEFFERSON, DEC. of Independence “All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” “All people…have ‘natural rights’ of life, liberty, and property” “All men…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” “All original power resides in the people” “Governments are instituted among men” “Government’s powers are limited to those the people have consented to give it” “Whenever government becomes a threat…people have a right to alter or overthrow it”

“All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” How did the ideas of John Locke influence Jefferson’s writings in the Declaration of Independence? LOCKE JEFFERSON, DEC. of Independence “All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” “All people…have ‘natural rights’ of life, liberty, and property” “All men…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” “All original power resides in the people” “Governments are instituted among men” “Government’s powers are limited to those the people have consented to give it” “Government…deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” “Whenever government becomes a threat…people have a right to alter or overthrow it”

“All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” How did the ideas of John Locke influence Jefferson’s writings in the Declaration of Independence? LOCKE JEFFERSON, DEC. of Independence “All people are free and equal” “All men are created equal” “All people…have ‘natural rights’ of life, liberty, and property” “All men…are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” “All original power resides in the people” “Governments are instituted among men” “Government’s powers are limited to those the people have consented to give it” “Government…deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” “Whenever government becomes a threat…people have a right to alter or overthrow it” “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive…it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it”