Help Us Create An Early Non-Fiction Collection! Prepared By: Angie Suwalkowski, Media Specialist September 2009
Goals Create an Early Non-Fiction collection of books for our early readers (Kindergarten – 2nd grade) Create comfortable seating areas for reading
Early Non-Fiction Collections Across the District Baldwin-2000 Hugger-1481 Longmeadow-730 Brewster-730 Brooklands-679 Meadowbrook-668 North Hill-520 McGregor-500 Hamlin-344 Hampton-none Delta Kelly-none
Comfy Cozy Seating! Sofa $212 Round bench $114 Square bench $98 Colors Available: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Chair $131 Chair $131 Sofa $212 Chair $131 Sofa $212 Chair $131 Sofa $212 Help us purchase some cool and comfy seating for our new Early Non-Fiction Section in the Media Center! Contact Mrs. Suwalkowski if you’d like to make a donation. Help us purchase some cool and comfy seating for our new Early Non-Fiction Section in the Media Center! Contact Mrs. Suwalkowski if you’d like to make a donation. Help us purchase some cool and comfy seating for our new Early Non-Fiction Section in the Media Center! Contact Mrs. Suwalkowski if you’d like to make a donation. Colors Available: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Colors Available: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Colors Available: Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Square bench $98 Round bench $114 Square bench $98 Round bench $114 Square bench $98 Round bench $114
How Can You Help? Adopt a Book Adopt a Seat Visit Musson’s Media Center website for forms and info!
Additional Info We do not receive any funding from the district, so we are very appreciative of PTA funding for our students! Average price of a new library book is $20.82 Number of books in Musson’s collection: 12,454 Average age of entire collection: 1991 Schools with well-developed library media programs average 10% - 18% higher reading scores. Well developed programs are indicated by staffing level, collection size and age, and expenditures. Source:
Thank you for your time and support!