Idaho RID Business Meeting Saturday, April 8, 2017
Agenda Determination of Quorum Board & Committees Recognitions Administrative Determination of Quorum Reports Board & Committees Special Orders Recognitions Elections, Motions from the Floor Business Announcements
Determination of Quorum 80 Members as of March 17 58 Members with voting rights 20 Quorum as of March 17 The quorum of the business meeting shall be no less than twenty-five (25) percent of the total number of Certified, Qualified Educational Interpreter and Associate members; fifty-one (51) percent of those present and voting constitutes a majority.
Board Reports
President Vote of affirmation for president (term ends 6/30/19) Kristy Buffington Vote of affirmation for president (term ends 6/30/19) 501C3/IRS update Electing: Treasurer, VP Seeking: Fundraising chair Thanks to Jayne Womack, Melanie Vincent & Holly Shroll Welcome Janette Lovell RID 2017 LEAD Together Conference: Salt Lake City, July 20-24 3 guaranteed slots for leadership track RID Atlanta: 7 idahoans there New president (Cheryl Moose) – brenda walker prudhom from Wisconsin 8 hour business meeting Region V caucus/Joelynne winner RV prez lunch/AC president breakfast President & treasurer compliance training Deaf caucus – la and htm wonderful training opportunities! deafblind training – more & more deafblind presenters – independent yet read audiences designated interpreting Gay to Z legal interpreting – lines of questioning – disjunctives yes/no
FY 2017: 91 Members of IdahoRID As of March 17, 2017 Supporting memberships are given to the President of IAD and the Executive Director of CDHH.
Vice President Val Sturm Updated Policies & Procedure manual (
Secretary Carrie Peters Current board meeting notes online (
Treasurer ACCOUNT BALANCES $ 1211.77 Checking Account (Wells Fargo) Holly Shroll ACCOUNT BALANCES $ 1211.77 Checking Account (Wells Fargo) $13854.56 Savings Account (Wells Fargo) $ 288.91 PayPal $ 15,355.24 TOTAL (On 03/18/17)
Treasurer INCOME 07/01/2016 to 03/18/17 INCOME: (by category) $ 2369.00 Workshop Income $ 845.00 Membership Fee Income $ 172.00 RID/NAD Region V Phoenix conference Income $ 80.00 Fall 2016 Silent Auction (scholarship fund) $ 3466.00
Treasurer EXPENSES 07/01/16 to 3/18/17 $ 3815.86 Workshop presenter/expenses (4 presenters) $ 1244.78 RID LEAD Together registration (3 guaranteed spots) $ 106.61 Printing/copies $ 170.05 Paypal fees $ 1174.61 Workshop food/supplies (4 workshops) $ 150.00 Refunds (legal workshop) $ 31.75 Postage $ 967.04 New Idaho RID website $ 3040.00 IRS/501c3 (Accounting firm & IRS/state of Idaho fees) $ 175.68 Gifts & Awards (Region V rep & board members) $ 59.70 Bank expenses (ordered checks) $ 122.24 Board meeting expense $11,058.32 $ 5,399.56
Member at Large Jayne Womack/Janette Lovell
Member at Large: Students Byron Jensen No ITP graduates - Fall 2016 14 ITP graduates – Spring 2017
Committee Reports
Professional Development Shannon Stowe & Ann Flannery, Co-Chairs Workshops Intro to Deaf-Hearing Teaming in Legal Interpreting, 6/24-6/26/16 Intro to Court Interpreting Basics, 8/5-8/7/16, Ryan Shephard Social Bodies, Academic Bodies, 10/7/16 Two Cultures, One School, 10/7/16, Patrick Graham The Nitty Gritty of Interpreting, 10/8/16, Melissa Smith Medical Interpreting Immersion, 12/1-12/3/16, Elizabeth Morgan & Steven Stubbs Situational Ethics, 4/7-4/8/17, Paula Browning A Step Program for DC-S Addicts, 5/12-5/13/17, Val Sturm
Professional Development Partnered w/ Idaho Educational Services for the Deaf & Blind Spring workshops accessible through Zoom Hospitality Chair Kristi Kulik
Technology Committee Mike Smith, Chair New IdahoRID website – President & Technology Chair have full admin rights Secretary, Treasurer & PDC have editing rights
Scholarship Committee Lindsay Goodman-Gerken, Chair $200 yearly scholarship (3) for initial testing costs (NIC, CDI, Legal, EIPA) Mentoring, workshop, membership scholarships? Application online No applicants in the past year
Fundraising Committee Seeking Fundraising Chair
Special Reports Steven Snow, Executive Director, CDHH Licensure report
IdahoRID Deaf Heart Award Nomination: This interpreter has an amazing ability to find places in her work to empower Deaf people at every turn. She sees the historical disadvantage that Deaf people have experienced, and uses a lens of Deaf-Gain as an interpreter to promote Deaf agency and self-determination. She has stepped out of her comfort zone over and over, seeking support and input from the Deaf community in order to provide interpreting without ego. She seeks opportunities to work with Deaf Interpreters and Certified Deaf Interpreters, and uses her position as a hearing interpreter to educate and promote Deaf people's need for a fully-accessible interchange facilitated by a Deaf Interpreter. She is the epitome of an active learner, seeking knowledge and finding ways to apply that knowledge in ways that really make a difference. Furthermore, she volunteered to serve on the taskforce for interpreter licensure and has been instrumental in the forward momentum of this critical step forward for the Deaf community.
Recipient Shelia Robertson Nominated by Holly Thomas-Mowery Plaque & one year membership dues
Thank You Steven Snow, CDHH Paula Mason & Randy Bow, IESDB Nichole Stanton & ISU Office of Disability Services
New Business Elections VP Treasurer Affirmation, President Increase Dues Scholarship funds LEAD Together conference Live broadcast Voting Rights Certified, Qualified Educational, & Associate members may vote as long as they hold dual membership in Idaho RID & RID
Announcements Idaho Shakespeare Festival’s Signing Shakespeare: Interpreted dates on the calendar Deaf actor, name, lead in Hamlet Other events?