SURVEY FOR THE GENDER EQUALITY Erasmus +/ KA 2 The results of Slovakia
The main aim of this research is to recognize the opinions of slovaks on the gender equality Survey sample:141 people
The first statement was: "All in all family life suffers when the mother has a fulltime job"
The second statement was: "Women are less willing than men to make a career for themselves "
The third question was: " Men should work more in child care sectors, such as day nurseries "
The next statement was: "Overall men are less competent than women to perform household tasks "
"A father must put his career ahead of looking after his young child "*
"Equality between men and women is a fundamental right"
"Equality between men and women will help women become more economically independent"
"If there are more women on the labour market, the economy will grow"
Finally, the results of the statement:"Tackling inequality between men and women is necessary to establish a fairer society”
Majority of respondents think: Change men's and boys' attitudes towards caring activities 62% Improve access for women to better quality jobs 54% Increase flexible work arrangements 31%
That is all about our "equal thinking" in Slovakia. THANKS for your attention