Student Research Symposium Dr. Eric Niemi
SRS History & Importance Began Fall 2016, Offered every semester since In a review of HIPs - UR found to be the most effective in engaging underrepresented students Integrates faculty mentorship Problem-based inquiry Active-learning Sources: Brownell, Jayne and Swaner, Lynn. Five High Impact Practices: Research on Learning Outcomes, Completion, and Quality. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities. Print. Pascarella, Ernest and Terenzini, Patrick. How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. Print.
Student Research Symposium Planning Team Eric Niemi Humanities & Fine Arts Melanie Ribaric HIPS Specialist Emily Dunlap Social & Behavioral Sciences Sarah Copeland Library and Research Liaison Amanda Bennet Honors Program Director Kristen Hutton Learning Support Reading & Writing Coordinator
What Can SERS Do You For? Increase visibility of marketing materials and event branding Supplemental Workshops Professionally Printed Posters Travel to National Undergraduate Research Council (NCUR)
Spring Planning Established connections with our Office of Workforce and Business Development Established relationships with UTC’s Research Dialogues Created a need with offices to focus on URM
SRS Promotional Video Student News Report