Systems Architecture I (CS 281-001) Lecture 17: Exceptions September 4, 1997 Systems Architecture I (CS 281-001) Lecture 17: Exceptions Jeremy R. Johnson Wed. Dec. 6, 2000 *This lecture was derived from material in the text (sec. 5.6). All figures from Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Approach, Second Edition, by David Patterson and John Hennessy, are copyrighted material (COPYRIGHT 1998 MORGAN KAUFMANN PUBLISHERS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED). Dec. 6, 2000 Systems Architecture I
Systems Architecture I September 4, 1997 Introduction Objective: Insert support for exceptions into the multicycle implementation What’s New: Need to detect exception Need to transfer control to system to perform exception processing Need to determine exception type Need to resume control where exception occurred Topics Exceptions (undefined instruction, arithmetic overflow) Modifications to datapath Modifications to control Dec. 6, 2000 Systems Architecture I
Multicycle Datapath with Exception Support Dec. 6, 2000 Systems Architecture I
Multicycle Control with Exceptions Dec. 6, 2000 Systems Architecture I