Bacteria Wanted Poster
Objective: To understand how bacteria/ viruses /fungi or protists live, their pathology, and modes of transmission. Goal: Research one bacterial/viral/fungal or protist pathogen and produce a “Most Wanted” Poster or Glogster. Make a “Wanted Poster” or Glogster for one of the Monerans (bacteria) or viruses listed in the handout or research more. Diseases and the pathogens that cause them are listed.
The poster must include the following information in detail: Disease name and bacteria or virus that causes the disease A photo (microscopic picture) or realistic drawing of the pathogen or organism. Description of the microorganism includes characteristics (anaerobic, parasitic, etc. How does the microorganism attack or transmits the disease? What kind of victims do the microorganisms attack? What are the symptoms or injuries done by the disease?
The poster must include the following information in detail: Is the microorganism considered “armed and dangerous”? Rate how dangerous this pathogen is. How many victims does the microorganism infect? Is there any immunity or vaccine against the disease? What is the most effective weapon or treatment against the disease? Pictures, graphics, maps or graphs with captions to enhance your poster You must include color and design/organization for your poster. Include citations on the back of the poster TOTAL: 34 MARKS