Progress Inventory Examine your findings Have I used the correct number of sources Do I have enough information to make a paragraph Have I stayed on topic (thesis statement)
SEE SAMPLE PROVIDED Outline Format The Final Outline Margins – 1 inch Title – must be the same on outline and report (no punctuation marks are needed) Title – centered Page number – none Spacing – Double Format – available in Word Compare note card to outline Add to outline if new information exists Delete topics from outline if no information was found Reorder topics if necessary SEE SAMPLE PROVIDED
Rough Draft Other names – pencil copy, first draft No one writes a perfect paper on the first attempt Note cards provide the content but can’t just be “strung together” If handwriting your rough draft, skip lines for editing and revising
Steps to Writing a rough Draft Order note cards Match Each note card to the outline (I. A. 2) example in the upper right corner of card I.A.2
Select an option Option 1 Option 2 Skip introduction and conclusion Start with body paragraphs Start with introduction to keep paper focused Body next Conclusion last
Things to Avoid in a Formal Paper Contractions 1st Person Pronouns Slang terms abbreviations 2nd person pronouns Acronyms Curse words Symbols instead of spelling
Checklist for writers Mechanics wording paragraphing Comma fault Fragments Run-on Dangling participle Subject/verb agreement Pronoun/antecedent Misplaced modifiers Awkward phrasing Choppy sentences Repetitive word choice Wordiness Connotation problems Incorrect word choice Lack of unity Lack of coherence Lack of development Lack of order Illogical paragraph divisions
Checklist continued Development Use of sources parallelism No statement of thesis Insufficient development No sensible organization Digression No transition/poor Direct quotation w/o credit tag Inappropriate tag Improper source identification Use of phrasing w/o acknowledgement Failure to make sentences elements parallel Failure to use who, which, and that correctly
What needs citing? NO Yes Word/ideas presented in a magazine, book, newspaper, song, tv program, movie Information gained through an interview or conversation Someone’s exact words or unique phrase Reprinted diagrams, charts, pictures Reused or reposted electronic media Writing your own observations, insights, thoughts Writing up your own results obtained through an experiment Using your own charts, photos, etc Writing common knowledge, like folklore, legends, myths, etc. When you use generally accepted facts Common Knowledge – if you can find the same information undocumented in at least five credible sources, believe your reader will already know, or can easily find in a general reference work.
Revision Editing Have you supported your thesis? Is your organization sound? Do you have good transition? Have you documented information? Is the tone formal? Does your paper flow? Have you been precise and not wordy Have you checked for spelling? capitalization? tense shift? Run-ons? Fragments? Pronoun agreement? Comma usage? Subject-Verb agreement ETC
SEE SAMPLE PROVIDED The Final Copy Format Margins – 1 inch Title – must be the same as outline (no punctuation marks Title – centered Pagination – Header (last name 1) Spacing – Double Presentation is everything 12 pt font (Arial or Times New Roman) Heading – Name, Class, Teacher, Date Follow all rules provided SEE SAMPLE PROVIDED
The Bibliography page Bibliography Works Consulted Works cited An alphabetical listing of all the sources that you used in your research paper. We don’t use this title. An alphabetical list of all the sources read and considered when researching (not necessarily used. We don’t use this title. An alphabetical listing of all the sources that you used in your research paper. This is the title we use.
SEE SAMPLE PROVIDED Formatting Center “Works Cited” on page Continue with pagination Double-space 1 inch margins Alphabetical order Don’t duplicate authors, instead use 3 hyphens (look at sample) SEE SAMPLE PROVIDED
Proofreading assembling Have someone read your final copy before submitting it. At times, if you read your own paper, you will overlook minor errors because you know what you are wanting to say. You will be expected to turn in Note cards Bibliography cards Rough draft w/ revisions and edits Preliminary outlines Final copy Please follow teacher directions! Be Prepared to turn in the second you walk through the door. No extra time will be given for assembly.
Samples on teacher web page Outline/Thesis statement Mla citation form Final copy Works cited