Welcome to Kindergarten Orientation Please be sure to sign in tonight
Agenda For Tonight Schedule Attendance GE Expectations/Life Principles Bullying Tiers/STAR End of Year Goals What you can do at home to help Report Cards/Progress reports Homework Policy Classroom Parties How to Volunteer Communication Parent Compact
Our Daily Schedule 8:10 – Doors open (Students will go to the gym or breakfast) 8:25 – 8:35 Call to Excellence 8:40 Arrive at Classroom 8:45 - 9:00 Morning Meeting 9:00 - 9:15 Reader’s Workshop-Shared Reading
Daily Schedule 9:15 - 9:30 Reader’s Workshop Mini Lesson 9:30 – 10:15 Small Group/Workstations 10:15 - 10:48 Writer’s Workshop 10:48 – 11:18 Lunch
Daily Schedule 11:18 - 11:35 Word Study 11:35 - 12:05 GE/Effective Habits/Intervention 12:05 - 12:25 Recess 12:30 – 1:30 Math Workshop 1:35 – 2:35 Specials
Daily Schedule 2:35 - 2:40 Number Talks/Problem Solving 2:40 - 2:45 Snack and Pack 2:45 - 3:20 Oral Language Development 3:20 - 3:40 Read Aloud 3:40 Dismissal
Attendance Students may arrive between 8:10 and 8:25. Breakfast is served at this time. At 8:25 breakfast will end and those children will make their way to the gym. The tardy bell rings at 8:40. If you arrive after the tardy bell you will need to escort your child into school to receive a tardy pass. They will be considered tardy for that day. Excessive tardies, early-sign outs, and/or absences, parents will be contacted to make an appointment with an administrator. 6 tardies/early sign outs will result in your child having lunch detention Please have your child be here on time. It is very important they do not miss out on valuable instruction.
Great Expectations Tomball Elementary will be enjoying a new endeavor this year to help our students reach high levels of success as we incorporate the Great Expectations Model. The motto for Great Expectations embodies “Transforming Lives Through Education” which makes for a perfect fit at Tomball Elementary. The students will learn the 8 Expectations for Living. The students will also learn Life Principles that they can use in their daily lives. There will be one new Life Principle each week. The biggest change for our students will be the morning assemblies where we will come together as a school community to start our day off in a positive, transformational way. If you wish to find out more please click on the link below it will take you to the Great Expectations website. http://www.greatexpectations.org/about
Behavior Expectations Eight Expectations For Living • We will value one another as unique and special individuals. • We will not laugh at or make fun of a person's mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns. • We will use good manners, saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me" and allow others to go first. • We will cheer each other to success. • We will help one another whenever possible. • We will recognize every effort and applaud it. • We will encourage each other to do our best. • We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.
Life Principles Effort-Doing your best in an endeavor Respect-Giving honor to another Responsibility-Taking credit, or criticism, for your own actions Courtesy-Showing consideration for others Leadership-Inspiring others to excel by the courage of your example Patience-The ability to wait calmly Fairness-Playing by the rules Flexibility-The ability to make adjustments or alter plans Perseverance-The ability to persist, or continue striving, to the end Resiliency-Recovering from or adjusting easily to misfortune or change Effort-Doing your best in an endeavor Problem Solving-Creating solutions and finding answers Patriotism-Love for or devotion to one's country Gratitude-Act of being grateful, thankfulness Common Sense-Thinking before acting; using good judgement Tolerance-Respecting the differences of others Cooperation-Working together Honesty-Truthfulness in words and actions Trustworthiness-Keeping your word; doing what is right for yourself and others
Life Principles Integrity-Being strong enough to do what is right even when it is difficult Commitment-The keeping of a promise or pledge Citizenship-Behaving in a responsible manner as a citizen of a community Justice-Being fair, right, and upholding what is right Service-Giving of one's time and energies to help others Loyalty-Faithfulness to another Propriety-A standard of what is socially acceptable in conduct and speech Humility-Being humble, not arrogant Courage-Strength to act even when afraid or uncertain Friendship-Caring for and trusting one another. Initiative-Taking action; originating new ideas Ambition-Strong desire to achieve your best Caring-Sharing, valuing, and caring about each other's feelings Compassion-The ability to share another's feelings or ideas Generosity-Freely giving of time or resources Humanitarianism-Helping other humans Sincerity-Honesty of mind; freedom from hypocrisy Forgiveness-Act of forgiving for an offense; pardoning Curiosity-Desire to learn, to explore, to investigate
Bullying Behavior Unfair and one-sided. It happens when someone keeps hurting, frightening, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose. unfair means there is an imbalance of power (social, physical…). One-sided means that only one person is being mean – not an argument or fight. It keeps on happening. Bullying is not a one-time occurrence. It’s an established pattern of behavior.
Tiers/STAR Tier 1, 2, 3 STAR- Universal Screener Math and Reading
End of Year Goals: Read 100 sight words Read on a level D Write a 3-4 sentence story Count to 100 Recognize numbers 0-20 Number Sense
How to Help Your Child Read Successfully
What can you do at home? Read with your child every day. Talk with your child to develop vocabulary. Practice high frequency words. Write with your child (writing helps reading). Know the Kindergarten expectations.
Good Beginning Reading Strategies Look at the pictures. Point to the words (left to right). Think about what would make sense as you read. Use letters and words you know to help you.
Report Cards/Progress Reports Progress reports go home every 3 weeks on Wed. Report cards go home every 9 weeks on Wed.
Homework Policy Name writing. Homework will consist of reading with your child and flashcards work.
Classroom Parties Holiday Party (Dec) Valentine’s Day Party (Feb) Easter Egg Hunt (March)
Reminders: Please keep an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack. Flip flops and playground equipment.
Please sign up to volunteer in our school. Your help makes a difference.
How to Communicate T.E.A.M. Binders Planning and Conference Time 1:35-2:35 281-357-3280 ext 3244 lisajensen@tomballisd.net Remind 101 81010 @lisaje
Parent Compact
Thank you for your time and support Thank you for your time and support. Together we will have a successful year.