Member Meeting September 24, 2015 Understanding the National Diabetes Prevention Program Member Meeting September 24, 2015
Employer Goals and Strategies Improve workforce health and productivity Population health improvement – maximize vitality, maintain health, reduce risk factors, manage illness Achieve greater value for each dollar spent on health care services Measure, report and reward health care delivery performance
The Role of the Action Group Trusted convener of employers and other stakeholders working together to improve the value of health and health care Focus to date has been on optimal treatment of those with diabetes through Bridges to Excellence Time to raise employer and health plan awareness of DPP, a proven diabetes prevention program, through education and outreach Share best practice models on how to incorporate DPP into benefit offerings and worksite health promotion programs Help organize and recruit DPP provider infrastructure, including traditional health care delivery systems Help organize employer learning networks and program assessments Work with the Minnesota Department of Health to bring the program to four communities in Minnesota
National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) The NDPP is a lifestyle change program that is: Offered to small groups at risk for developing type 2 diabetes Facilitated by a trained Lifestyle Coach Offers group support over the course of a year Weekly sessions for 6 months then Monthly sessions for 6 months Evidence based program can be implemented through different providers in different formats and multiple venues Not Me, I Can Prevent Diabetes, Prevent United Health, Omada, Novu, Redbrick HealthEast, Essentia, YMCA MN Extension Services, Public Health, Faith-based groups
National Diabetes Prevention Program Adults 18 years and older Who have a BMI ≥24 unless of Asian ancestry (then BMI≥22) And one of the following: Diagnosis of prediabetes by: Hemoglobin A1c between 5.7%-6.4% Fasting Plasma Glucose between 100-125 2 hour glucose challenge test Diagnosis of gestational diabetes Score of 9 or more on CDC risk test
National Diabetes Prevention Program Curriculum Focus Session Number and Topic Behavior Change Skills 1. Welcome 2. Fat and calorie detective 3. Ways to eat less fat and fewer calories 4. Healthy eating 5. Move those muscles 6. Being active: a way of life 7. Tip the calorie balance Control the external environment 8. Take chare of what’s around you 9. Problem solving 10. Healthy eating out Psychological and emotional Skills 11. Talk back to negative thoughts 12. The slippery slope of lifestyle change 13. Jump start your activity plan 14. Make social cues work for you 15. You can manage stress 16. Ways to stay motivated What does the program address?
Lessons and Observations from Early Adopters It is critical to consider Value on Investment (VOI) as well as Return on Investment (ROI). The NDPP is the “gold standard”. While the program is well supported by research and evidence, the mode of implementation will depend on your organization’s demographics and culture. Benefit coverage and program integration is essential. Communications are critical. Incentives matter. Service provider pay for performance models work.
Two Case Studies