Nick Hunn Where are we on the wearable health curve? e7d195523061f1c0205959036996ad55c215b892a7aac5c0B9ADEF7896FB48F2EF97163A2DE1401E1875DEDC438B7864AD24CA23553DBBBD975DAF4CAD4A2592689FFB6CEE59FFA55B2702D0E5EE29CDD67A22AA4C604B3A8F162502BF0C42A5FC4B795966AF5E66D0B569DF497139433AED16E9C027880C46A1A7CB5ED0C78E15CC128A2F89BAC0 Nick Hunn CTO, WiFore Consulting Where are we on the wearable health curve? @thrivewearables | @gianthealthevnt | #giant18 #thrivewearables
Where are we on the wearable health curve? Nick Hunn CTO – WiFore
A short history of Health Wearables 1975 – Emergency Dialler 2018 – Apple Watch 4 43 Years
Lessons to be Learnt
Where is your alarm pendant at this moment please Where is your alarm pendant at this moment please? A telephone survey of 200 users in Scotland - 2003 31% By my bed 22% In a drawer 21% Around my neck 11% Somewhere else 9% Hanging up 6% Don’t know
Silo funding Insurer Care GP If a change increases the cost for any one of the participants, they will probably reject it. Even if the overall cost is lower, or the patient experience is better, Accountants Rule. Integrated Care Systems generally need to precede wearable business models. Hospital Insurer Prevention Care GP
The dilemma for consumer wearable products Sell Product Collect Data Develop Insight Compelling Feedback Offer Service Consumer gives up
Who owns the data?
Thank you Nick Hunn Creative Connectivity Blog: CTO mob: +44 7768 890 148 email: web: Creative Connectivity Blog: LinkedIn: