COMPARE/CONTRAST When you COMPARE items, you look for their similarities--the things that make them the same. For example: Apples and oranges are both fruit. They're both foods. Both are made into juice. Both grow on trees When you CONTRAST items, you look at their differences. Apples are red. Oranges are orange. The fruits have different textures. Oranges need a warmer place to grow, like Florida. Apples can grow in cooler states, like Washington
COMPARE Transition Words Also As As well as Both In the same manner In the same way Likewise Like Most important Same Similar Similarly The same as too In comparison and contrast, transition words tell a reader or listener that you are about to change from talking/writing about one item to the other.
CONTRAST Transition words Although But Differ Even though However In contrast Instead Nevertheless On the contrary On the other hand Unlike While Yet In comparison and contrast, transition words tell a reader or listener that you are about to change from talking/writing about one item to the other.
CLASSIFICATION When one or more paragraphs follows classification order….the writer will group things together to show broad similarities Categories may be named to show you how one group is alike or different from another Classification paragraphs are like charts put into words While there are no specific transition words for classification, be on the look out for clue words such as groups, types, classes, sections, parts, categories, divided