Omniscient narrator
Omniscient OmniscientOm*nis"cient (?), a. [Omni- + L. sciens, -entis, p. pr. of scire to know: cf. F. omniscient. See Science.] Having universal knowledge; knowing all things; infinitely knowing or wise; as, the omniscient God. -- Om*nis"cient*ly, adv. For what can scape the eye Of God all-seeing, or deceive his heart Omniscient? Milton.
The omniscient narrator knows everything, may reveal the motivations, thoughts and feelings of the characters, and gives the reader information.
With a limited omniscient narrator, the material is presented from the point of view of a character, in third person.
The objective point of view presents the action and the characters' speech, without comment or emotion. The reader has to interpret them and uncover their meaning.
Third person limited omniscient – The person who tells the story is not in the story, but the focus is on one character. The readers are allowed to see how this character feels and thinks. This viewpoint is good if you wish to describe the events and actions but also share one character’s thoughts.
Third person Objective – The person who tells the story is not in the story, but is an impartial viewer who relates what is seen and heard, but knows nothing about the thoughts or feelings of the characters. This allows the readers to determine what or who is good or bad.
Third Person Omniscient – The narrator tells the story, but can relate the thoughts and feeling of any character. The author can interpret things and the reader has access to more information about the characters.