How are CS and communities engaging currently and post the HLM EANNASO WEBINAR 4Th September 2018 Presented by: Abdulai A. Sesay-Director
Content The Call for HLM WHY Communities and CS in HLM Role of Communities and CS in HLM Communities and CS in Post HLM engagement
The Call for HLM TB is the Top disease killer in the world. TB has been left behind in terms of prevention and control. Investment for TB is low yet disease is increasing. Inadequate Political will and commitment to end the disease Little or no support for national TB budget 40% TB cases are missing globally
Why Communities and CS in HLM Directly and indirectly affected with TB Well experienced to contribute to ending the epidemic. Lived with the disease, feel the pain and see what is happening in communities. Tell the story on how it happened Put a human face to TB-People centered Influence survivors to speak up
Role of Communities and CS in HLM With Support from Stop Partnership and other partners, communities and CS have been Represented voices of TB on the Affected and Civil Society Advisory Panel. Participated at the Civil Society Hearing in new York Consultations on development of the 5 key Asks Mobilized political leaders to attend UNHLM Engage media to enhance visibility of the HLM
Communities and CS in Post HLM engagement Advocate for more resource mobilization for TB Work with NLCTP to engage in TB activities Monitor the 5 key Ask to enhance accountability Advocate for an independent accountability framework to track progress on political declaration Hold political leaders accountable to 5 key Ask by holding annual reviews and develop score cards . Build capacity of Communities and CS to be able to engage national stakeholders on TB
We can not win the battle to end TB, if Communities and CS are not part and parcel of TB implementation Thank you