An inter-disciplinary course between History , RMPS and Science BRAES ANATOMY An inter-disciplinary course between History , RMPS and Science Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, 1918.
AN INTRODUCTION Braes Anatomy is an inter-disciplinary course between History, RMPS and Science. In History you will learn about the steps towards modern medicine how scientists in the past found out about the human body the influence these discoveries had on people’s health and the body.
In RMPS you will learn about: different religious and secular opinions towards modern medical advances The consequences of these opinions in society and on people’s lives. In Science you will learn about: how the body works the importance of medicine today in Science.
The courses have shared Learning Intentions and Success Criteria, as well as individual LIs and SCs specific to each subject. You will have individual assessments in each course. You will also have a written task which links the knowledge you have gained in all three subjects.
SHARED LEARNING INTENTIONS By the end of these courses, I will: Be able to develop an understanding of medical knowledge and innovation in the past and present Be able to develop an understanding of social, moral and ethical views on medical discoveries, past and present.
SHARED SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of these courses, I will: Be able to work individually Be able to work in a group Be able to participate in HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Be able to research Be able to make links between Science, RMPS and History
INTER-DISCIPLINARY ASSIGNMENT What does this mean? You will look at your knowledge from History, Science and RMPS. Taken together, this knowledge will give you a greater depth of understanding. This is because you will have studied the same theme from three different perspectives. You will take all this knowledge and link it to complete one piece of work.
INTER-DISCIPLINARY ASSIGNMENT PART 1 You will find out about the following in class: History: Edward Jenner and the discovery of vaccinations Science: HPV and vaccinations RMPS: Should we play God? Your teacher will give you a piece of homework on this section.
INTER-DISCIPLINARY ASSIGNMENT PART 2 Using the homework from part 1, you will use the two weeks before the Easter holidays in your RMPS class to complete a collated write-up linking all the information. This will take the form of a scientific article.
You are part of the original scientific team that discovered HPV. This is the most Important scientific discovery on cancer research in the past 5 years. As such, your evidence is in demand. To keep your funding, you have to produce an article for Medical News Today sharing your findings on HPV. You must consider the social, moral and ethical implications of your research, including the historical background.