Welcome! April 20th, 2018 Friday Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Friday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find and label the examples of figurative language. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
head. It was clear that Jimmy would be spending © Presto Plans Read the paragraph below and find examples of metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, personification, oxymoron and/or alliteration. Jimmy’s chair felt like a jail cell in the front of the classroom. Although the class was only 60 minutes, to him it seemed to last for an endless hour. Mrs. Peters had put him in the front to prevent his predictable misbehaviors. Jimmy took the pencils off the front desk and began breaking them in half. Each time Mrs. Peters heard the snapping sound, her anger would grow. She was completely fed up with him, and she was about to volcanically erupt. Her eyes, raging with fury, were like daggers staring at the back of his head. It was clear that Jimmy would be spending time at the principal’s office in the near future.
The Book Thief: Part 4-5 Quiz! In five minutes we’re going to take a quiz over parts 4-5 of The Book Thief. Take this time to flip back through your text or talk about what’s happened so far with a partner. Once we begin, remember: no talking or cell phones. You’ll get one warning. After that it’s a zero. Oh no!
The Book Thief Turn to page 311. We’re going to read to page 324, and then you’ll read and annotate pages 325-335 on your own. As we read: Make sure you’re paying attention and annotating as we go! It will help you remember what’s happening. As you read: Don’t forget to annotate! You will need at least one well-thought out, 2+ sentence annotation per page