AQD UPDATES FOR AC IA Reference NAVPERS 15839I, Volume I Joints Specialty and Inter-Agency AQDs Awarded due to skills performed during IA or GSA greater than 6 months Command Type and Echelon will determine level of AQD (1-6). U6O, Successful completion of “Operations” Interagency IA is awarded automatically to the SNM record upon the 7th month Requests: AC Officers or AC Cognizant Detailer contact PERS 463 upon GSA/IA completion. Submit AQD request specifying AQD with supporting evidence (FITREPS/Awards, orders) to LCDR Deborah KelleyDuke; or LT Jeffrey Joyce, AQD request format is available at: Upon package receipt, PERS 46 Consultant will: Verify supporting evidence, order dates and billet description. If approved, update OAIS with three digit code and year performed. Provide results to Cognizant detailer and/or AC Officer.