Part A: Legislative Mandate and Context of Reporting STRUCTURE Part A: Legislative Mandate and Context of Reporting Part B: 2016/17 Quarter 1 Report – Performance Trends and Programme Performance Part C: 2017/18 Annual Performance Plan and Programmatic Changes at a Glance Part D: 2017/18 Budget
LEGISLATIVE MANDATE AND CONTEXT OF REPORTING Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009 (FMPPLA) Chapter 8: Provisions on In-year Reporting Section 52 on Quarterly Performance Reports
ALIGNING THE STRATEGY TO THE CONSTITUTION VISION An activist and responsive people’s Parliament that improves the quality of life of South Africans and ensures enduring equality in our society . MISSION - Providing a vibrant people’s assembly; - Providing effective oversight over the Executive - Providing participation of South Africans in the decision-making processes - Providing a healthy relationship between the three arms of the State - Providing an innovative, transformative, effective and efficient parliamentary service VALUES Openness - Responsiveness - Accountability - Teamwork - Professionalism - Integrity
2016/17 OVERALL PERFORMANCE TRENDS Indicators 2014/15 annual 2015/16 performance targets 2015/16 annual: actual performance 2016/17 quarter 1 targets 2016/17 quarter 1 actual performance % of capacity building programmes executed 80% 100% % of SF and SALSA resolutions 90% % of house papers available % of procedural advice within 7 days 85% 84% % of legal advice within 7 days 83% % of policy advice within 7 days % research within time allocated 98% % of information requests available 95% 96% % of minutes available in 3 days 66% 73% 91% % of reports within 8 days 77% 99% % of Hansard within 5 days 30% 93% % interpretation available within 5 days 75% % of translation available within agreed time % of PAIA requests within agreed time % of international reports tabled 41%
2016/17 PERFORMANCE ON STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE Indicators 2016/17 quarter 1 targets 2016/17 quarter 1 actual performance % improvement in the provision of support services n/a Reported in the narrative for quarter 1: 100% given to governance meetings Number of analytical reports per year 3 9
2016/17 QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE ON ADMISTRATION Indicators 2016/17 quarter 1 target 2016/17 quarter 1 % of SF and SALSA resolutions 100% Progress on Member's capacity strategy % of capacity building programmes executed % of saving of total budget n/a for the period % improved efficiency in line with SOP framework n/a for the period % compliance with prescripts and regulations 75%
2016/17 QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE ON CORE BUSINESS Indicators 2016/17 targets 2016/17 quarter 1 performance % of house papers available 100% % of procedural advice within 7 days % of legal advice within 7 days % of policy advice within 7 days % research within time allocated % of information requests available 96% % of minutes available in 3 days 91% % of reports within 8 days 99% % of Hansard within 5 days 93% % interpretation available within 5 days 73% % of translation available within agreed time % of PAIA requests within agreed time % of international reports tabled Model implementation (3) Phases reviewed
2016/17 QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE ON CORE BUSINESS Indicators 2016/17 targets 2016/17 quarter 1 performance % of population informed 100% n/a Access to participate in parliament processes n/a Population participating in parliament process Number of TPTP campaigns Number of People'S Assembly Number of Women's Parliament campains Number of Youth Parliament campains % of international reports tabled % of international agreement analysed n/a % of ceremonies provided with protocol support
2016/17 QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE ON SUPPORT SERVICES Indicators 2016/17 targets 2016/17 quarter 1 performance Implementation of stakeholder management plan Implement stakeholder management plan Not implemented % of clients satisfied with service levels 100% (n/a for the period) n/a for the period Phase of communications strategy implementation Implement strategy Interim strategy implementation underway % of population aware about Parliament (IPSOS) % of universal access to web-based and mobile platforms % of clients satistied with service levels (facilities) % increase in talent management index
2016/17 QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE ON ASSOCIATED SERVICES Indicators 2016/17 targets 2016/17 quarter 1 performance Phase of integrated seamless Member services strategy Implementation phase Business case developed Phase of facilities review To be completed as part of seamless service Average number of days to reimburse Members 2 days 2.9 days Number of payments made 26 payments 19 payments
QUARTER 1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Programme 1: Strategic Leadership & Governance Programme 2: Administration Programme 3: Core Business Programme 4: Support Services Programme 5: Associated Services 14 (32%) targets 16 (36%) targets 14 (32%) targets are not applicable for the reporting period
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE Targets set during this reporting period were exceeded NDP analysis reports produced by the PBO: including demand-driven, ad-hoc budget analysis report on the Department of Trade and Industry, and 2 Quarterly Economic Briefs to keep MPs abreast of current economic developments for informed decision-making Work on improving of the Legislative Programme with the NDP (Medium Term Strategic Framework) commenced: engagements by the Speakers Forum and National Planning Commission
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE Planned Targets: 1 (excludes 1 target not applicable for the period) Met Targets: 1 Targets Not Met: 0 Overall Achievement: 100%
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE Strategic Objective Performance indicator 2015/16 performance trends (mid-year & annual) 2016/17 performance information (1st quarter) Targets Mid-year actual Annual actual Actual Status Mid Annual PROGRAMME 1: STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE 0.1 % Improvement in provision of support services New APP indicator for 2016/17 n/a Annual target 2.2 Number of analytical reports per year 4 14 13 32 3 9
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: ADMINSTRATION In relation to capacity building programmes for Members, Applications processed for the Post-Graduate Diploma, 2 Masters Modules completed, and MPs attended modules of Executive Programme in Human Settlement. Ongoing support provided. Improved Secretariat and other support provided to the Offices of the Executive Authority: all engagements, governance matters and FMPPLA compliance
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: ADMINSTRATION PROGRAMME 2: ADMINSTRATION Planned Targets: 4 (excludes 2 targets not applicable for the period) Met Targets: 3 Targets Not Met: 1 Overall Achievement: 75%
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: ADMINISTRATION Strategic Objective Performance indicator 2015/16 performance trends (mid-year & annual) 2016/17 performance information (1st quarter) Targets Mid-year actual Annual actual Actual Status Mid Annual PROGRAMME 2: ADMINISTRATION 1.2 % of Speaker’s forum and SALSA resolutions followed up and actioned 90% 75% 100% 1.3 Progress on implementation of Members’’ Capacity-building and Development strategy For 2016/17 the indicator measures completion rate Strategy developed % of capacity building programmes executed 80% 1.8 % saving of total budget 0.25% 1% 4% 0.77% n/a Annual target % improved efficiency in line with SOP framework New APP indicator for 2016/17 1.9 % compliance with prescripts and regulations
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: CORE BUSINESS The National Youth Parliament was convened as part of commemorating the significance of the Soweto Uprising in the South African history: hosted by the Gauteng Provincial Legislature on 30 June 2016. The theme: “Following up on our commitments to the Youth: Partnering with the Youth to strengthen local governance”. Approximately 1000 participants and delegates including MPs and veterans of the 1976 Soweto youth uprising took part in the proceedings.
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: CORE BUSINESS PROGRAMME 3: CORE BUSINESS Planned Targets: 20 (excludes 6 not applicable for the period) Met Targets: 10 Targets Not Met: 10 Overall Achievement: 50%
Official Reports (Hansard) Documentation (PAIA requests) PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: CORE BUSINESS House Papers Procedural advice Legal advice Policy advice Information requests Minutes Reports Official Reports (Hansard) Interpretation Translations Documentation (PAIA requests)
PROGRAMME 3: CORE BUSINESS PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: CORE BUSINESS Programme Strategic Objective Performance indicator 2015/16 performance trends (mid-year & annual) 2016/17 performance information (1st quarter) Targets Mid-year actual Annual actual Actual Status Mid Annual PROGRAMME 3: CORE BUSINESS 2.1 House Papers: % available on sitting days 100% Procedural advice: % within 7 days average - 87% 84% Legal advice: % within 7 days average 85% 80% 82.6% Policy advice: % within 7 days average Research: % within time allocated 98% 98.6% Information requests: % within time allocated 99% 95.5% 96% Minutes: % within 3 days 70% 73.7% 91% Reports: % within 8 days 91.8% Official Report (Hansard): % within 5 days 95% 38% 30.5% 93% Interpretation: % available 67% 73% Translation: % available within agreed time 99.9% Documentation: % Responses to PAIA requests within prescribed time
PROGRAMME 3: CORE BUSINESS PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: CORE BUSINESS(cont..) Programme Strategic Objective Performance indicator 2015/16 performance trends (mid-year & annual) 2016/17 performance information (1st quarter) Targets Mid-year actual Annual actual Actual Status Mid Annual PROGRAMME 3: CORE BUSINESS 2.3 Phase of Model implementation (Oversight & Accountability Model) n/a Model reviewed Model not reviewed Annual targets 2.4 Phase of Model implementation (Legislative Model) Model developed Model not developed Model implemented Model not implemented 2.5 Phase of mechanism implementation (co-operative government oversight) Mechanism developed Not developed Mechanism implemented Mechanism not implemented
PROGRAMME 3: CORE BUSINESS PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: CORE BUSINESS (cont.…) Programme Strategic Objective Performance indicator 2015/16 performance trends (mid-year & annual) 2016/17 performance information (1st quarter) Targets Mid-year actual Annual actual Actual Status Mid Annual PROGRAMME 3: CORE BUSINESS 3.1 Phase of Public Participation Model implementation n/a Model reviewed & implemented Model implemented Implementation of draft Model in progress % of population informed about Parliament Additional APP indicators for 2016/17 Annual target Population having access to participate in parliamentary processes Population participating in parliamentary processes Number of Taking Parliament to the People campaigns 1 2 Numbers of People’s Assembly campaigns 2nd quarter Number of Women’s Parliament campaigns Number of Youth Parliament campaigns New APP indicators for 2016/17 3.2 % of international parliamentary delegation reports tabled 85% 42% 41.33% 100% % of international agreements analysed 75% 0% % of parliamentary ceremonies provided with professional protocol and ceremonial services
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: SUPPORT SERVICES My Parliament App completion and roll-out is currently at 54% with an annual target of 60% The development of administrative governance structures completed, training and change management are ongoing A total of 1244 user accounts migrated to Active Directory. The Branch Reporting System technical development completed for Support Services Branch Comprehensive Media Monitoring & analysis activated: 92 Reports media produced and distributed; and 56 summary reports on social media A total of 239 Media alerts and statements for Parliament & Committees issues and distributed. A total of 496 Programmes were re-broadcast, 56 live broadcast on Parliament TV
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAMME 4: SUPPORT SERVICES Planned Targets: 2 (excludes 5 not applicable for the period) Met Targets: 0 Targets Not Met: 1 Overall Achievement: 50%
PROGRAMME 4: SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: SUPPORT SERVICES Programme Strategic Objective Performance indicator 2015/16 performance trends (mid-year & annual) 2016/17 performance information (1st quarter) Targets Mid-year actual Annual actual Actual Status Mid Annual PROGRAMME 4: SUPPORT SERVICES 1.1 Progress on implementation of stakeholder management plan n/a Stakeholder Management Plan developed Plan to complete Stakeholder Management Plan approved; survey administered Implement stakeholder management plan Not implemented % clients satisfied with service levels n/a Annual target 1.4 % of universal access to Web-based and mobile platforms 40% 50% 49.5% 54% 1.5 Phase of strategy implementation 8.75% 9.35% Implement strategy Interim strategy implementation underway % of population who are aware of Parliament n/a 1.6 1.7 % increase in talent management index - 4% 11%
PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: ASSOCIATED SERVICES PROGRAMME 5: ASSOCIATED SERVICES Planned Targets: 4 Met Targets: 0 Targets Not Met: 4 Overall Achievement: 0%
PROGRAMME 5: ASSOCIATED SERVICES PROGRAMME PERFORMANCE: ASSOCIATED SERVICES Programme Strategic Objective Performance indicator 2015/16 performance trends (mid-year & annual) 2016/17 performance information (1st quarter) Targets Mid-year actual Annual actual Actual Status Mid Annual PROGRAMME 5: ASSOCIATED SERVICES 4.1 Phase of integrated services strategy Design Seamless Model Development of strategy Not designed Not developed Integrated seamless service implemented The project Business Case has been developed Phase of facilities review n/a Reviewed - Resources and implemented This will be completed as part of the Integrated Seamless Service 4.2 Average number of days used to reimburse Members 3 2.7 days 3.32 2.6 days 2 2.9 5.1 Number of payment made 39 65 31 60 26 19
WAYFORWARD Reviewed Programme Structure entrenches the results-based outcomes oriented approach Radical shifts in target setting geared to improve the overall performance of Parliament A dedicated focus on completing the indicator development for outcomes & outputs including data collection, validation and analysis Improved alignment of strategy, budget and structure Policy framework and SOP : coherent system of collection collation and verification of data and mapping of values and reporting aligned Implement dashboards to monitor implementation
CHANGES FROM A PREVIOUS APP Situational analysis updated Review of long-term outcome milestones Review of individual objectives with inclusion of specific objectives Review and changes to indicators Targets progressively upped to 100% Addition of objectives relating to Programme 1 and 2 2017/18 budget request using zero-based budgeting Reformatting of data tables for ease of use
LONG-TERM OUTCOME MILESTONES: INDICATORS INCLUDED Strengthen oversight and accountability % of NDP goals implemented, accountability index Enhanced public involvement Public involvement index Strengthened co-operative government and inter-governmental relations % of NDP goals implemented Deepened engagement in international participation Influence on, and contribution to regional and international goals Improved quality and impact of legislation Index of societal outcomes (democracy, quality of life, equal society) use
NEW PROGRAMME STRUCTURE: VOTE 2 Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance Political leadership, governance and institutional policy, communication and co-ordination, oversee development and implementation of strategic plan, annual performance plan and budget, Parliamentary Budget Office and Office: ISD. Programme 2: Administration Strategic leadership support and management, institutional policy and governance, development programmes for Members, management and administration, internal audit and financial management, and the Registrar of Members’ Interests. Programme 3: Core Business Procedural and legal advice, analysis, information and research, language, content and secretarial and legislative drafting services for meetings of the National Assembly, National Council of Provinces and their committees. Provide public education, information and access to support public participation. Provide analysis, advice and content support for parliamentary international engagement. Programme 4: Support Services Provide institutional communication services, human resource management, information communication technology, institutional support services and Members’ support services. Programme 5: Associated Services Provide travel, communication and other facilities for Members of Parliament to fulfil their duties as elected public representatives. Provide financial support to political parties represented in Parliament, their leaders and constituency offices.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES : PROGRAMME 1: STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE Office of the Speaker , Office of the Chairperson, PBO, OISD Improve strategic, advisory, administrative and logistical support to the Executive Authority. The objective seeks to improve overall support to the Executive Authority in regard to the achievement of policy priorities, political and administrative leadership, governance and compliance, co-ordination with external and internal stakeholders, and communication.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: PROGRAMME 2: ADMINSITRATION Secretary to Parliament Legislative Sector Support Strategic Management and Governance Finance Management Office Internal Audit Registrar of Members’ Interests Improve usefulness, relevance and accessibility of development programmes for Members. Improve co-ordination, cooperation and intergovernmental relations of Parliament with Provincial Legislatures by implementing a revised Sector Strategy. Strengthening strategic management, governance, internal control, risk management, monitoring and evaluation, and compliance. Reduce inefficiencies – aim at savings.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: PROGRAMME 3: CORE BUSINESS Improve turn-around time and quality of procedural advice, legal advice, content advice, research, minutes and reports. Refine and implement Oversight and Accountability Model. Develop and implement a legislative model ensuring enhanced quality of legislation. Develop and implement a co-operative government oversight mechanism. Enhance parliamentary international engagement and co-operation. Increase public access and opportunities to participate in all processes of Parliament.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: PROGRAMME 4: SUPPORT SERVICES Support Services Branch Parliamentary Communication Services Human Resources Information Communication Technology Member Support Services Institutional Support Services Improve stakeholder management and increase Members’ satisfaction with services. Improve the communication of the business of Parliament by developing and implementing a comprehensive communications strategy. Leverage technologies to meet information services needs of Members. Optimize conducive working environment and facilities. Increase the availability of strategic competencies, talent and skills.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: PROGRAMME 5: ASSOCIATED SERVICES Improve facilities for Members Review the facility needs of Members, and provide a seamless support service. Reduce average turnaround time for claims payment. Ensure effective financial management of resources Party Leadership Support provides financial support to political leadership of parties represented in Parliament. Political Party Support provides financial support to political parties represented in Parliament. Constituency Support provides financial support to parties represented in Parliament, for constituency offices.
MONITORING AND EVALUATION Monthly financial statements (S51) – year to date expenditure. Quarterly performance reports (S52) – performance per quarter in implementing the annual performance plan. Mid-year budget and performance assessment (S53) – assess performance in implementing annual performance plan.
MONITORING AND EVALUATION End Tabled documents to be published on Orientation: Policy priorities Strategy: Strategic Plan Implementation: APP 2017/18
Table of Contents Introduction Budget Alignment to the Strategic Plan Budget Allocation Vs Request Budget Allocation Vs Request (2017/2018) Compensation of Employees 2017/18 indicative amount 2017/18 budget shortfall 7. 2017/18 budget requests 8. Additional requests in terms of the 05th Parliament’s priorities 9. Conclusion
Introduction Section 16(1) of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009 (FMPPLA) provides as follows regarding the submission of Parliament’s budget: “At least ten months prior to the start of the financial year, the Accounting Officer must prepare a draft budget for Parliament and present it to the Executive Authority.” Parliament’s 2017/18 financial year budget was therefore submitted to the Executive Authority on the 31st May 2016.
Budget Alignment to the Strategic Plan Parliament’s strategy is linked to the National Development Plan and is results oriented and outcome based and focuses on providing support to core business and Members of Parliament as well as efficiency services including automation. Parliament’s 2017/18 budget has been prepared using the zero based budgeting method. After the finalisation of the 5th Parliament’s strategic plans, annual performance and operational plans were prepared to support the achievement of the strategic plans.
Budget Allocations Vs Request 2015/16 FINANCIAL YEAR Request R2,726,026m Budget Deficit Allocations R2,097,316m Shortfall R628,710m 2016/17 FINANCIAL YEAR Request R3,145,835m Allocations R2,189,429m Shortfall R956,406m 2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR Request R3,352,480m Allocations R2,287,500b Shortfall R1,064,980m
Budget Allocations Vs Request (2017/2018) 2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR Request R3,352,480m Allocations R2,287,500m Shortfall R1,064,980m Not in the baseline Constitutional mandate State Of the Nation, Taking Parliament To The People, Youth and Women's Parliament Events Environmental impact Space utilisation project, improvement on access control still remains unfunded Governance related Parliamentary Budget Office, Treasury Advisory Office, Office of Institutions Supporting Democracy remains unfunded Capacity constraints All critical and vacant positions remains unfunded . Currently Parliament’s wage bill exceeds the allocation
Compensation of Employees Compensation of employees budget allocation has been less than the actual Parliament ‘s spend. The 2017/18 deficit is projected at R202m. Included in the compensation of employees expenditure is contributions to former Members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures’ medical aid which amounts to R68,3m for 2017/2018 as indicated under programme 5: Associated Services
2017/18 Indicative amounts Programmes Total R’000 Compensation of employees Goods & services Capital expenditure Transfers Strategic Leadership & Governance 72,264 44,879 26,981 404 Administration 117,301 76,413 39,289 1,599 Core Business 560,237 407,842 151,809 586 Support Services 311,849 208,546 102,049 1,254 Associated Services 669,544 62,746 192,007 106 414,690 Sub-totals 1,731,200 800,426 512,135 3,949 Direct Charges 556,300 TOTALS 2,287,500 1,356,726
2017/18 Budget Shortfall Programmes Budget Request R’000 Indicative Amount Shortfall Strategic Leadership & Governance 154,949 72,264 82,685 Administration 246,992 117,301 129,691 Core Business 714,152 560,237 153,915 Support Services 703,160 311,849 391,311 Associated Services 976,926 669,544 307,382 Sub-totals 2,796,180 1,731,200 1,064,984 Direct Charges 556,300 TOTALS 3,352,480 2,287,500
2017/18 Budget Requests Programmes Total R’000 Compensation of employees Goods & services Capital expenditure Transfers Strategic Leadership & Governance 154,949 90,958 62,666 1,325 Administration 246,992 112,162 133,463 1,367 Core Business 714,152 463,557 250,596 Support Services 703,160 267,781 168,674 266,705 Associated Services 976,926 68,290 237,973 1,119 669,544 Sub-totals 2,796,180 1,002,747 853,373 270,516 Direct Charges 556,300 TOTALS 3,352,480 1,559,047 853,372
2017/18 Budget Requests (continuation) Programme 1: Strategic Leadership & Governance Divisions Total R’000 Compensation of employees Goods & services Capital expenditure Transfers Office of the Speaker 79,612 41,506 36,781 1,325 Office of the Chairperson 43,056 31,762 11,294 Treasury Advisory Office 4,013 Parliamentary Budget office 17,930 12,779 5,152 Office of Institutions Supporting Democracy 10,338 4,912 5,426 TOTALS 154,949 90,958 62,666
2017/18 Budget Requests (continuation) Programme 2: Administration Divisions Total R’000 Compensation of employees Goods & services Capital expenditure Transfers Office of the Secretary 48,071 12,128 35,943 Finance Management Office 59,695 47,501 12,078 116 Strategic Management & Governance 16,425 14,101 1,999 325 Registrar of Members Interest 5,037 3,557 1,480 Internal Audit 17,193 7,821 8,446 926 Projects 52,221 9,998 42,223 SONA 6,000 LSS Administration 42,350 17,056 25,294 TOTALS 246,992 112,162 133,463 1,367
2017/18 Budget Requests (continuation) Programme 3: Core Business Divisions Total R’000 Compensation of employees Goods & services Capital expenditure Transfers Deputy Secretary – Core Business 1,000 Youth Parliament 2,000 Women’s Parliament National Assembly 42,042 35,596 6,446 National Council of Provinces 79,098 29,721 49,376 International Relations & Protocol 58,388 20,895 37,493 Core Business Support 335,237 207,389 127,848 Knowledge and Information Services 194,388 169,955 24,433 TOTALS 714,152 463,555 250,596
2017/18 Budget Requests (continuation) Programme 4: Support Services Divisions Total R’000 Compensation of employees Goods & services Capital expenditure Transfers Deputy Secretary – Support Services 6,677 2,926 3,751 Institutional Support Services 160,698 120,363 40,334 Information Communication & Technology 92,021 51,870 40,151 ICT projects 266,705 Human Resources Management 82,724 41,871 40,853 Members Support Services 10,602 8,793 1,809 Parliamentary Communication services 83,733 41,957 41,776 TOTALS 703,160 267,781 168,674
2017/18 Budget Requests (continuation) Programme 5: Associated Services Divisions Total R’000 Compensation of employees Goods & services Capital expenditure Transfers Members Facilities 307,382 68,290 237,974 1,118 Transfers to political parties 669,544 TOTALS 976,926
Additional Requests in terms of the 05th Parliament’s priorities Economic classification Indicative amount R’000 Request Shortfall Details Compensation of employees 800,426 1,002,747 (202,321) An additional amount of R46,923m is required for compensation of employees for the operation of offices which were established in terms of the respective Acts (Treasury advisory, Parliamentary Budget Office and OISD) which were always funded from Parliament’s unspent funds earnings as well as the LSS which was funded from donor funds. The balance of R155,398m is required in respect of the shortfall on indicative amount against filled positions. Goods & Services 512,135 853,373 (341,238) Joint Services (PBO, TAO and OISD), LSS, space utilisation, TPTTP, SONA, institutional projects as well as shortfall across all programmes as per the annual performance plan.
Additional requests in terms of the 05th Parliament’s priorities (continuation) Economic classification Indicative amount R’000 Request Shortfall Details Capital expenditure 3,949 270,516 (266,572) Centralisation of ICT equipment and implementation of the ERP system Transfers 414,690 669,544 (254,854) R10m is to address the shortfall on transfer payments which has been there for the last three financial years and Parliament was using the retained earnings to fund the shortfall. Parliament also intend to improve the support provided Members of Parliament to enable them to perform their constitutional responsibilities effectively by allocating 1 support staff for each Member which requires an additional R244,854m. Currently 1 support staff is allocated to 2 members. Direct Charges 556,300 Totals 2,287,500 (3,352,480) (1,064,985)
Conclusion The 2017/18 budget request is R1,065 billion above the indicative allocation of R2,288 billion . The indicative allocation of R2,288 billion is recommended with a baseline review to address budget pressures within Parliament’s baseline. Meeting between the Minister of Finance and Presiding Officers recommended to address the shortfall in terms of section 17 of the FMPPLA. Lean methodology and cost cutting measures to be implemented in order to reduce inefficiencies