The Revolutionary War
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Battles of Trenton and Princeton What happened at the Battle of White Plains? Name two problems Washington faced at the end of 1776. Why were the Hessians surprised that the Americans attacked them at Trenton? What happened 8 days later? How did it help Washington?
Patriots and Loyalists What was a Patriot? Who typically was a Patriot? What was a Loyalist? Who typically was a Loyalist? Why did the Revolutionary War affect Westchester County? What happened to many Loyalist at the end of Revolutionary War?
Battle of Saratoga Who was General Burgoyne? Why is this battle considered the “turning point of the war?” How (and why) did Benedict Arnold attempt to betray his country? What happened to Benedict Arnold?
Battle of Yorktown In 1780 which country joined the American’s side? What was the name of the famous General that led their forces? How did the Americans win the Battle of Yorktown? What was the Treaty of Paris? What did it do?