Unifying Elements In The Vincentian Family
OUR SHARED MISSION To love and serve the poor, especially the most abandoned, the most vulnerable
Bringing the Good News of God’s love
In hospitals, homes for orphans and elderly, local and foreign missions.
Through formation of the clergy and laity, formal and informal education, etc. St. John’s University
Our Mission is a participation in the very mission of Jesus Christ, and that of the Church, towards the whole world.
Our Common Spirituality We follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and place him at the center of our lives and works. We give flesh to God’s undying love for the poor.
We recognize the evangelizing role of the poor. We act simply, humbly and with great love.
Our Pastoral Approach We choose to work for and with the poor through concrete, practical and direct service creative and inventive charity organized and sustainable programs
Collaboration with others: St. Vincent’s pastoral strategy
Working with different groups and sectors in the Church, and in society.