Bodies of Water # from 1 - 20
4 1 2 1-4 bodies of water 3
5-7 bodies of water 5 7 6
10 9 8 8-10 bodies of water
18 17 11 12 16 13 15 14 11-18 bodies of water
19 19 – bodies of water
20 20 bodies of water
Hudson Bay Great Lakes Gulf of Mexico Bering Sea North Sea Mediterranean sea Black Sea Lake Victoria Lake Chad Red Sea Sea of Japan East China Sea South China Sea Bay of Bengal Arabian Sea Persian Gulf Caspian Sea Aral Sea Lake Baikal Coral Sea
Plains # from 1 - 7
1 – plain 1
2 2-3 – plain 3
5 – plain 4
5 6 7 5-7 – plain
Great Plains Llanos Pampas North European Plain North China Plain Manchurian Plain Indo-Gangetic (Ganges) Plain