Cold War in Europe- US provides aid to help rebuild Europe after WWI and prevent the spread of Communism *US is no longer isolated I can explain the expanding international role of the United States by identifying several events where the United States took an active role in providing aid in Europe, as well as, defining and explaining the impact of United States involvement. Focus Topics Marshall Plan Truman Doctrine NATO United Nations
Agenda 4/28/17 Unit 8: Warm up #2 Lecture #2 Origins of the Cold War Document Analysis Discussion Questions Exit Slip #
Warm Up # 2: The Iron curtain speech 3:10 https://www. youtube What was the purpose of the Iron Wall speech? What did the Iron wall symbolize? How did political cartoons contribute to the Cold War? Sentence Starters: The purpose of the Iron Wall speech was to_____ The Iron wall symbolized The political cartoons contributed to the Cold War by
Lecture # 2 Origins of the Cold War FLT: I will be able to analyze the origins of the Cold War in answering the central question: Who started the Cold War?
Identify the key ideas between Communism/ Soviet Union/USSR (Russia) and Capitalism/Democracy/ USA What is the key reason the U.S. supports Capitalism? Communism Why does the U.S. not like Communsism?
The Iron Curtain Europe divided: mostly democratic Western Europe and communist Eastern Europe Iron curtain wasn’t a real wall, but a symbolic wall between democracy and communism
Marshall Plan- US aid/$ to help Europe rebuild and prevent spread of Communism into Western Europe *idea- Europe would spend the money on US products, European countries buying US products will not want to be Communist ?Why would they buy US products? Why not German, Japanese, or Chinese? Explain how the treatment of Germany after WWII is different than WWI? Evaluate if this new solution is better. * avoids mistake of WWI making Germany pay reparations and punishing Germany (instead US helps rebuild Germany, our enemy in WWII)
Truman Doctrine- stated US will help any country threatened by Communism Turkey and Greece- Soviets tried to take over but US aid prevented Communist takeover Predict what problems might arise with continued enforcement of the Truman Doctrine?
NATO- military alliance of 12 European countries, Canada, and US *US pledges to protect Western Europe from Russia Soviet Response *Warsaw Pact- Soviet Alliance with Eastern European Countries Atomic Bomb- Russia explodes their own in 1949 How has the Cold War changed? What would a war b/t US and Russia look like? What should be the US response? *US develops Hydrogen Bomb (20xs bigger than Atomic Bomb)
WWII: The Aftermath video
Who started the Cold War? Who was primarily responsible for the Cold War – US or USSR? Over the past decades, historians have disagreed over this question. Today, we are going to look closely at some Cold War primary documents in order to address the question for ourselves.
Central Historical Question Who started the Cold War?
Who started the Cold War? Read and annotate the CW primary documents to help you complete the guiding questions, as well as answer the central question. Document A: The Iron Curtain Speech Document B: The Truman Doctrine Document C: Soviet Ambassador Telegram Document D: Henry Wallace letter
Class discussion Who was primarily responsible for the start of the Cold War? What evidence do you have to support your claim? Which of these documents do you believe is most trustworthy? Why? Did anyone’s hypothesis change? How and why? What other evidence would you need to strengthen your claim?
Exit Slip # Directions: write 3-5 sentences answering the following questions: Who was primarily responsible for the start of the Cold War? What evidence do you have to support your claim? Sentence starter: In my opinion, _________ was/were primarily responsible for the start of the Cold War because_________.
United Nations Founded after WWII to protect the sovereignty (independence) of countries and human rights Made up member nations from around the world who each have a voice (General Assembly) Security Council- 13 members, SC has the power to send troops from member countries to enforce UN decisions 5 permanent members- US, Great Britain, France, Russia, China (each member has veto power meaning one of the permanent members can stop any UN action with their vote) Analyze some problems that will make the UN ineffective in carrying out it’s goals