Obesity Dalton Burrell


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Presentation transcript:

Obesity Dalton Burrell My names Dalton Burrell And i did my Senior project on Obesity

Why Obesity For me obesity is something that i feel like is possible to happen to me if i don't do anything about it. because people in my family have became obese as they came older, even tho they were skinny as a younger person like me. Also i want to work in sports field or even a personal trainer.

Thesis Statement Obesity has nearly doubled since 1980, with just over 200 million adult men and just under 300 million adult women obese, even though obesity is on the rise, there are steps one could take to reduce weight and obesity related problems. The world rate is still at an increase, and i see that its a person own fault because, they have the option to do something about, but they are just too lazy to get up and go outside. Also because some people can't afford to go to the gym or have a personal trainer. Or to pay for weight lose programs like nutrisystem. But they could go online a print out a diet program and follow that, but they just choose not to.

Causes Unhealthy food Bad choices Television Sedentary lifestyle Weight gain was linked to a high intake of potato chips, potatoes, sugar-sweetened beverages. Those are some of the worst foods to eat but, also red meat, and processed meat. If people chose to eat fruits and vegetables instead of candy, and sweets that would be better then any food they eat. Simply instead of eating snacks like debbie cakes, you buy a bag of apples or a bundle of bananas. something simple as that could help a lot. Americans spend a time of 55% sitting down rather than doing something something active. While watching tv you are seeing ads all about food and it kinda makes you want to try it. People like to go out to eat at fast food because its easy way to get the food without cooking, And when you feed your kids there is a darth of information on nutrition. That means you don't really know what's in the fast food you are eating. Also you won’t know the calories you intake. Also instead of watching movies and tv shows you could flip the channel to a fitness show about aerobics.

Effects Adult and children Disease Diabetes Hypertension Heart disease Some types of cancer 1/3 of all americans are obese and has lead to lots of problems with their health. Now coincidentally it has lead to our children being obese with just over 12.9 million children being obese. You could blame it on the lifestyle provided by the parents. But the children can go outside and play. Some cases, Genetics, hormonal, metabolic, or behavioral circumstances seem to be a part in this infectious disease. But i didn’t look to far into the genetics because it didn't seem to be information about it. But this trend could lead to a higher rate of disease as the younger generations come of age. The average american tends to weigh more because they tend to eat and sit more. Which in turn means he/she accumulates more body fat. With people getting obese more and more, these people are at risk for getting diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, heart disease, and also a type of fat called “visceral fat” Visceral fat lies deep inside the abdomen, surrounding vital organs like the liver, heart, intestines, and kidneys, as well as hanging, in a separate double flap, off the ends of the stomach like an apron.

Obesity Prevention Exercise Diet When finding way to prevent obesity, or to lose weight the most common ways to prevent it were diet and exercise. On a right diet one could lose weight without having to put too much effort toward it, but to have a healthy body you should combine the right amount of exercises like going on runs, doing push ups, sit ups, and some workouts like lifting weights. What you take in you must work it back out. While you are watching tv, in between every commercial you could be doing simple exercises like pushups and situps, that way you get active and can still watch tv. but you need to know when to much tv is enough tv. You could also go on line and find some fitness plans to follow, or find a way to go to a gym. Even when getting on a diet you can go online to find a diet plan, or follow nutrisystem, which seems to be a good way to diet.

Product For my product, this is the link. http://daltonburrell.wix.com/living-healthier For my product i created a web page to help demonstrate the thing I have done and learned. Also this web page could be used as a guide for someone that wants to live a healthier life and a fit body.

Challenges I had to find time between work and school to do my project. I waited so long to finish my product, that i had to rush and finish it before i presented my project to you the judges.

Questions Does anyone have questions? Now if there are any question nows the time time i will answer them.

Work Cited Achieve3000: The Leader in Differentiated Instruction. (2004, February 25). Retrieved September 16, 2014, from http://portal.achieve3000.com/kb/lesson/?lid=453&step=11&c=1&asn= (tags: none | edit tags) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014, September 10). Retrieved September 23, 2014, from http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/index.html (tags: none | edit tags) Gosnell, M., & Botero, F. (n.d.). Killer fat. Retrieved October 3, 2014, from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=ip,custuid&custid=s8455861&db=mat&AN=238423 67&site=src-live (tags: none| edit tags) Nc Wise Owl. (n.d.). Retrieved September 18, 2014, from http://web.a.ebscohost.com/src/pdf?vid=4&sid=a89a215d-a9b7-4718-aeb9- c0b85f14f314@sessionmgr4001&hid=4207 (tags: none | edit tags) W. Wayt, Scientific American, G. (n.d.). Obesity: An Overblown Epidemic? Retrieved September 24, 2014, from http://web.b.ebscohost.com/src/detail?vid=32&sid=8a2f85e9-7942-4754-ba95- c33088a4d389@sessionmgr114&hid=126&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLGN1c3R1aWQmY3VzdGlkPXM4NDU1ODYxJnN pdGU9c3JjLWxpdmU=#db=mat&AN=17012760(tags: none | edit tags) http://www.choosemyplate.gov/index.html

Obesity Dalton Burrell This will conclude my presentation, thank you for time.