The Kilted Regiments Pipers – every Scottish Regiment had a piper who piped them into Battle. This was an important part of their Scottish identity and patriotism. They were unarmed and had a casualty rate of 50%. Kilts – all Scottish soldiers wore the kilt. This promoted a Scottish identity but caused lice to get caught in the thick wool pleats. Rotation System – Scots had quite an efficient rotation system, spending only 5 days at the front before ‘rotating’. ‘Shock Troops’ – Scots were sent into battle first, due to their reputation as brave warriors. This led to them having a casualty rate of 26%. Fear – According to reports, Germans feared the Highland regiments more than any other. After the Battle of Loos, the Germans made a commemorative medal showing the Scottish piper as the figure of death.
Your Task You should decide whether the Scottish experience in WWI was largely better or worse than that of other British soldiers. Provide at least two reasons for your answer.