Cold War Events of the 1960's
Kennedy and the Cold War Key events include: Bay of Pigs Building of the Berlin Wall Cuban Missile Crisis
Fidel Castro – above , Cover of Life Magazine. Cuba's New Leader-Fidel Castro In 1956, Castro led a guerrilla force against Batista. Batista fled the country, and Castro became the new leader of Cuba. Cuba was now communist. Fidel Castro – above , Cover of Life Magazine.
Castro and Kruschev
The Invasion of the Bay of Pigs Cuban exiles had been recruited and trained to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro. Kennedy ordered the attack on the Bay of Pigs. (Cuba) It was a failure and a disaster for the President.
Building the Berlin Wall People were rushing from the communist side of Berlin, to the “free side” in the west. This was very embarrassing to the Soviets. The Soviets moved to control the entire city. Khrushchev said if the US interfered, there would be war. Kennedy said, “Then there will be war.” Berlin
Khrushchev and the Wall Again, a stand-off occurred, but no shots were fired. In 1961, construction on the wall that would divide Berlin, began.
The Wall divided East and West Berlin, Germany. The Berlin Wall The Wall divided East and West Berlin, Germany.
The Berlin Wall To the West, the Wall symbolized totalitarian rule, and the lack of rights and freedoms. Many U.S. Presidents called on the Soviets to tear down the wall.
The Berlin Wall Clip 1367 – 2:54
Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962 13 Days in October when the world held its breath over the possibility of a nuclear war. The inner circle represents the range and time a nuclear weapon could be launched from Cuba – killing everything within the perimeter of the circle within 5 minutes. The second larger circle represents LRBMs that can kill within 10-12 minutes.
U-2 Images taken over Cuba from a U-2 Surveillance plane. A U-2 spy plane left. U-2 Spy planes uncovered the presence of ICBM’s, SAM’s, LRBM’s, and launch sites for nuclear weapons.
Missile sites and launch pads are displayed on this photo taken by a U-2 spy plane.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Our scientists are there in Cuba. The Soviets When asked about the Soviet build-up of troops on the island of Cuba, (20,000-42,000), the Soviets told the US the following: Our scientists are there in Cuba.
We’ve sent advisors to Cuba. The Soviets We’ve sent advisors to Cuba. Ok…we sent troops to protect Cuba against an American invasion!
Kennedy's Options Invade Cuba – suffer heavy casualties/Soviets may use nuclear weapons. Air assaults – won’t eliminate nuclear launch sites.
Kennedy's Options 3. Quarantine/Naval blockade – someone may fire, starting WWIII. Kennedy chose a naval blockade that would prevent the Soviets from delivering nuclear weapons to Cuba.
Soviets "Blink" or backdown Clip 1370 – 2:05
Cuban Missile Crisis Many black and white photos were taken of Jack and Bobby Kennedy during this crisis.
Soviets "Blink" or backdown The US set up a blockade. Khrushchev ordered the ships to turn around and go home. The US had won the stand-off, and averted nuclear war. Remember, this is the closest we ever got to a nuclear war.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviets "Blink" or backdown The US promised not to invade Cuba. Khrushchev had the missiles removed from Cuba. 6 months later, the US removed missiles in Turkey aimed at the USSR. Remember, this is the closest we ever got to a nuclear war. JFK said in 1961: 'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.'
Cuban Missile Crisis Who are the 2 World Leaders arm wrestling in this cartoon? What are they sitting on?
Soviets "Blink" or backdown Remember, this is the closest we ever got to a nuclear war.
Effects of the Cuban Missile Crisis Red telephone or “Hot line” between the Kremlin and Washington DC. Kennedy signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963.
Kennedy's Assassination Clip 1378 – 4:29
Kennedy's Assassination On November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas, John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lone Gunman Lee Harvey Oswald. Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as President of the United States. Johnson sworn in aboard Airforce One with Jackie Kennedy and Lady Bird at his side.
The Vietnam War U.S. involvement in Vietnam began in 1955, when President Eisenhower sent in troops to evacuate French forces.
The Vietnam War North Vietnam was led by communists. The U.S. believed that we needed to keep South Vietnam free from communism. The US was involved in Vietnam from 1955-1975.
The Vietnam War Johnson, or “LBJ”, escalated the war in Vietnam. It became a very unpopular war, and Johnson did not seek a second term in office. U.S. voters elected Richard Nixon as their next President.
Race for Space July 16, 1969 - Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins lifted off aboard the Apollo II. July 20, 1969 - Armstrong and Aldrin landed “The Eagle” on the moon with less than 5 seconds of fuel left.
"The Eagle has landed."
“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”