Case report “headache” (2) Dr. David Tran Medical meeting 1st september 2010
Man 64 years old 19/06/10: Consults for fever & bodyache for 4 days Pulse 97/min, BP 140/75, G15, T 38, FR 18, SaO2 98% Past history of head injury 45 years ago Physical exam normal, no neck stiffness, no neurological symptoms Urinary test: leuco ++, nitrite -, blood -
Blood test Dengue serology negative (IgM & IgG) CBC: 16400 WBC (80%N, 10% mono, 8% lympho) CRP 2.5mg
Follow up 20/06/10 The patient is hospitalized in medical ward for “infectious condition” Head CT scanner is performed the day after.
Head CT scanner result
Evolution 21/06/2010 Persistant headaches Decision to perform lumbar puncture because CRP increased 42mg, WBC 15800 (78% N, 13% mono, 7% lympho) and still fever.
Cytology results of LCR
Chemical results of LCR
Bacteriologic results LCR
LCR analysis and management
Evolution: comatose > ICU