Feb 2 2017 CIS meeting Marcy Stutzman
Cryopump work Leybold: Summer student project. Good bake, good base pressure, open valve, repeat measurement, characterize gauges, write up Sumitomo: BNNT working to stabilize material for easier installation Pump speed tests need to be repeated, published Optimize setup for capacity and speed tests, several repeats (summer student assistance if timing is right
Other vacuum wish list Vendors claim low outgassing rate: aluminum (VaCom) Stainless Steel (Andersen Dahleen) Buy with outgassing rate already 10-14 ? No heat treatment, NEG coating needed? New sintered (rather than rolled) NEG materials (less dust, better capacity) – have one for testing Base pressure? Reliability? Combine new materials, pumps for next version gun? (see price difference if we need to fabricate another 350 kV style chamber)
MicroMott improvements Must CEM replacement (on order) Should Reproducible stalk insertion point Alignment for better transmission Maybe? Better optical bend, shorten lens system?
Other random stuff Are they going to need my help modeling the JLEIC interaction region vacuum? Entire system vacuum? How do we satisfy SRF with our UITF beamline assembly? What else toward adding NEG pumping in warm girders between cryomodules?
Publication backlog NEG coating -> vacuum (in progress) Gauge characterization Small chamber ultimate pressure results (maybe with gauge characterization) Cryopump test results My parts of the Mott paper