Clinical Research Network North East and North Cumbria Patient, Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Jennifer Yuen, Engagement Lead Delivering clinical research to make patients, and the NHS, better
Aims of the PPIE Team Promote health and social care research opportunities Support and empower people involved in research studies Improve patient experience of research Promote the Patient Research Ambassador Initiative Exciting environment Expanding research environment Primary, secondary, end of life care as well as community setting
How does the PPIE Team work? Listen and engage Inform patients about research Work in partnership with stakeholders Provide available training and support Exciting environment Expanding research environment Primary, secondary, end of life care as well as community setting
How people can help in research studies? Prioritise research Contribute to the development of research materials Interview research participants Volunteer for a research study Participate in patient focus groups Influence the way research is delivered Exciting environment Expanding research environment Primary, secondary, end of life care as well as community setting
What can people gain from research involvement? Voice your concerns and views Better understanding of your health condition Help other patients Develop different skills in health research Exciting environment Expanding research environment Primary, secondary, end of life care as well as community setting
What support the PPIE Team can offer? Provide opportunities to become: a research participant a member of Research Advisory Group a Patient Research Ambassador a Lay member Develop your research skills and knowledge Provide local PPIE information and resources Exciting environment Expanding research environment Primary, secondary, end of life care as well as community setting
Involvement in research Your involvement in health and social care research studies is essential for the NHS to improve its treatment and care to people. Thank you