Brouillette – 28 students 24 February 11 – 15 , 2019 2/12 – 4th Grade Morning Meeting 2/13 - PTA Meeting 9:15 2/14 - Valentine Exchange 2/15 - Fundraiser ends 2/20 - High 5 Club Meeting (after school) 2/26 - 4th Grade Morning Meeting 2/27 – REEF Store @ recess! (Bring Turtle Tokens!) 2/28 - Yearbook Orders Due 3/4-3/8 - Mardi Gras Holidays 3/15 - No School for students Reading/Writing: Lightning Thief Guidebook Unit: Students will continue to build their knowledge of myths, examine the elements of myths, and discuss the impacts of myths on modern culture. (Chapters 3-8 this week.) Skills: Using context clues, character traits, theme, main idea, summary, & opinion writing. Language: Adjectives Unit Assessment 2/22 We will begin our unit on Adjectives. This week we will focus on Comparative & Superlative Adjectives. Students should be reviewing the first two sections of the study guide nightly. Spelling/Vocabulary No spelling this week. Math – Quiz – Friday (mixed facts & operations); Test – Wednesday Unit 4: Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations (Eureka Math Module 5) Students will continue to add and subtract fractions, as well as add and subtract from a whole and extend our knowledge of multiplying fractions by whole numbers. Wednesday’s test will cover Lessons 16 – 19. Video links to all math lessons can be found on the “Eureka Math Video Links” tab on Mrs. B’s website Notes & Reminders: Valentine Exchange Students will be allowed to exchange Valentines at the end of the day on Thursday, February 14th. If you would like to participate, please bring a Valentine for each student in your homeroom class. Please write YOUR NAME ONLY on your Valentines, as this will help us exchange a little quicker. Holliday – 27 students Brouillette – 28 students Science – Test- Thursday Unit 3: Structure & Processes of Organisms & Unit 4: Waves & Communication Students will compare & contrast different ecosystems and discover how animals interact with each other. Study guide is glued in notebook. Social Studies –In-class graded assignment; MW states quiz Fri. Unit 4: Our Nation Grows Through Westward Expansion: We will continue to learn about how scientific contributions and human effort led to the development of the United States. The students have enjoyed learning about the beginnings of our country! Don’t forget to STUDY for the Midwest Region quiz!!