Really Mrs. Knighten-Miller? On the first day??


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Presentation transcript:

Really Mrs. Knighten-Miller? On the first day?? Four Corners??? Really Mrs. Knighten-Miller? On the first day??

Rules of the Game Here’s how we play: 1. Mrs. K-M gives you a statement 2. You think about it and decide whether you: Strongly Agree, Agree, Strongly Disagree, Disagree 3. Be ready to defend your decision Rules of the Game

Rules Continued 4. Take a seat under the sign which you agree with 5. Mrs. K-M will start with one side and people can talk 6. One person talks at a time 7. You may only speak once. 8. You may not comment on anything anyone else says 9. NO SIDE TALKING Rules Continued

Here is your statement: All schools should be on a year round schedule. That means students would have three months in school followed by a one month vacation. It would look like this: In school: Sept-Nov Vacation: Dec In school Jan-March Vacation: April In School: May-July Vacation: August Here is your statement:

Get Ready, Get Set… Think about the question Go to the sign that expresses how you feel Be ready to give a reason why you chose this …and remember, as people are talking and you change your mind you may move to another position. Get Ready, Get Set…