Your IWB profile + Use it – love it - Don’t have one (yet?) Neutral Detractor / fairly sceptical
Approach one Power Point Word CD-ROM Internet “Always-on Internet” ‘Just-in-time’ teaching
Approach 2
Approach three: courseware Do you use a coursebook? Do you use whiteboardable version of a course book?
Approach 4 - DIY
Blending approaches
memorable presentations audio in one place ‘savability’ review Benefits memorable presentations audio in one place ‘savability’ review promotion of ‘heads-up’ precise answer
can encourage teacher-centred classroom technology not yet ‘invisible’ Drawbacks cost issues need to calibrate ‘learning curve’ can encourage teacher-centred classroom technology not yet ‘invisible’
New words for the digital age ‘Learning object’ Re-usable Tagging Re-sequencing – ‘playlists’
Will course books disappear? Should schools buy an IWB? Five controversies Will course books disappear? Should schools buy an IWB? Should students have mobiles on in class? Should courses be supported with VLE’s? Should teachers use Facebook and YouTube in their lessons?