Use this resource to help you complete project 1 Project 1 guide 7b Use this resource to help you complete project 1
Close Reading Project 1 Each day as you start your Close Reading Project you will add to what you wrote the previous day. By the end of the week you will have plenty of information to create an essay about the close reading.
Day 1 Who is the author? Not just in name, but what can you figure out about him or her from the piece and how does/will that affect the meaning? Where was the author writing? In time, location, historical importance. How does it all influence the meaning of the piece? When was the author writing? Mention the time, location, historical importance. How does it all affect the meaning of the piece?
Day 2 Does the author have an original style, or is he or she trying to mimic the style of someone else? Who might the author be trying to sound like, and why? Is he/she trying to relate to a certain group of people? Is he or she trying separate him or herself from a group? What words or images are repeated? Which are repeated most, and why? Are there multiple reasons and ways the authors says the same thing? Where is the author trying to take a stand, or put you in the setting? Why? What relevance does the language hold to the meaning as a whole? Why did the author use one word and not another? What connotations is he or she trying to use in the piece, and the word selection?
Day 3 Who is or was the author trying to reach in the piece? Is there a certain group the author is trying to alienate, or directly address in the piece? Could the message be meant for multiple audiences, and if so, how could the meanings, intentions, or explanations be different to each? Would that be on purpose or accidental? What reaction is the author looking to get from the various audiences? Could the piece be read from multiple perspectives and see multiple themes? How would people from different time periods or those who have different experiences read this selection compared to you or each other?
Day 4 Today you will be asked to think about how all the observations and comments of the past three days have influenced your opinion and interpretation of what you’ve been reading. As before, refer to specifics either within the text or class that helped you formulate your thoughts, interpretations, and opinions.
Day 5 Write a five-paragraph essay (including a thesis, body, and conclusion) explaining what insight you gained about this week’s reading and or its author through your close reading, Franklin Roosevelt’s December 8, 1941 speech. Make sure you reference the text itself as you make your points. If you use any information from your online research during the previous lesson, you’ll need to give credit to that source. You may rewrite the summaries you used during this week’s assignments.