Overview of predicted carbohydrate uptake and metabolism systems in bifidobacteria. Overview of predicted carbohydrate uptake and metabolism systems in.


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Overview of predicted carbohydrate uptake and metabolism systems in bifidobacteria. Overview of predicted carbohydrate uptake and metabolism systems in bifidobacteria. The F6PPK pathway, partial TCA cycle, and UDP-glucose/galactose system (UDP-Gal/Glc) are indicated with different background colors (light yellow for F6PPK, light purple for the partial TCA cycle, and sky blue for the UDP-Glc/Gal system). Blue, ABC transport systems; green, PTS; gray, MFS family; dark purple, major intrinsic protein (MIP) family; orange, GPH cation symporter family. Genes encoding predicted metabolic enzymes from B. longum subsp. longum DJO10A are indicated. Ju-Hoon Lee, and Daniel J. O'Sullivan Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2010; doi:10.1128/MMBR.00004-10