Coordination What do I achieve by coordinating? Socialisation (embed cultural norms) Training (embed norms and standards) Structures (including boundaries & limits) Communication (written, verbal, or gestures) Formal communication (written, verbal, or gestures) Standing procedures (specify norms) Expression of Intent (specify common end, not ways) Specific plans (specify common end and ways, to a degree) Informal communications (written, verbal, or gestures) Accepted practice (informal norms) Reaction to stimuli {mutual adjustment?} (positive ["attractor"], negative ["repeller"], or neutrals.) Feedback (formal and informal) The process of organising different interrelating elements of a complex activity or group in order to achieve the overall desired result Coordination How do I achieve coordination? What do I achieve by coordinating? Alignment around a common end (explicit, implicit or assumed/ imposed, agreed or innate) Allocation of tasks (identified or emergent) so all eventualities are covered to the necessary/desired degree Ensure the efficient, effective and economic use of resources Promote collaboration Avoid clashes Balance management dilemmas Arbitrate over whether what at is done, is being done in an acceptable manner, including the setting of priorities Balance risks across the enterprise Avoid dysfunctional interactions (intentional or unintentional) How do I know if I have been successful? Clear understanding of the common end No job (identified or emergent) goes undone No resource is wasted Synergies occur between parts of the whole No part of the whole interferes with the actions of another Show that management dilemmas are under control Nothing is done in an unacceptable manner The risk each element of the enterprise is exposed is optimal for the overall enterprise No interactions work against delivery of the common end