Valerie Weaver, Instructor Driver Education Valerie Weaver, Instructor
Driver Education Qualifying for the Permit Test: 1) Students must be at least 15 years old on the day of the test. 2) All course work and computer simulation must be completed prior to the permit test. 3) The student must be enrolled in Behind the Wheel Instruction [$185 must be paid before the end of the trimester using FeePay]. 4) The student must have proper ID on the day of the Permit Test. [Primary= original birth certificate or passport] [Secondary = social security card or current school ID]
What Trimester do I sign up for? Trimester One: Age 15 by mid November 2019 Trimester Two: Age 15 by early March 2020 Trimester Three: Age 15 by early June 2020 IF YOU CANNOT FIT DRIVER EDUCATION INTO YOUR SCHEDULE, YOU CAN REGISTER AS A SOPHOMORE OR TAKE THE SUMMER SCHOOL OPTION.
Summer School 2019 Summer School will be June 10-26, 2019 [32 students per session]. Permit test @ Andover HS June 27 [9:30-11AM]. Time slots: 7:30-10:30AM and 10:30AM-1:30PM. The last day for those NOT testing is June 26, 2019. Those testing, will test at 9:30AM @ Andover HS on Thursday, June 27, 2019. Registration, using FeePay only, will start Monday, May 13th and Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 @ 12:01AM. Registration, using paper copy only, will start Wednesday, May 15th, 2019 @ 7:00AM Can only miss ONE day [must be made up]. Dropped and no refund after the 2nd absence. Check your vacation calendar! Make-up sessions available. Cost: $65.00 [registration fee]and $185.00 [behind-the-wheel fee] using FeePay. If you are not in District #11, you may make checks out to Anoka-Hennepin School District #11.