South Seattle Community College College-wide Meeting Planning for 2007-08 March 6, 2007 SSCC, Olympic Hall Auditorium Jill welcome and overview. 4/10/2019
How South Measures Success Strategic Planning Institutional Goals College-wide Priorities Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies Budget Development Concurrent with development of Unit / Departmental Goals & Strategies College Council’s recommendations Jill gives high-level process review. 4/10/2019
Collaborative Discussion South is dedicated to continuous improvement of the strategic planning process On-going, meaningful discussion throughout the campus community led to the new process Institutional Effectiveness Committee Cabinet College Council Cross-constituency representation Units and Departments Jill gives high-level process review. 4/10/2019
Cycle Establish Institutional Goals & College-wide Priorities Complete Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies related to the Institutional Goals & Priorities Complete Budget Requests based on Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies Present Requests to College Council Budget approval by Cabinet Jill gives high-level process review. 4/10/2019
2007-2009 Priorities Priority 1: Promote student learning and success Invest in new program development Invest in transition of ESL/ELL students to college-level courses Support programs and services that serve our diverse student population Invest in strategies for increased retention, transition, completion, graduation and transfer rates, enabling students to reach their goals Further develop recruitment and marketing strategies to increase visibility of our programs and services Marsha review Priorities 4/10/2019
2007-2009 Priorities Priority 2: Prepare the college for its preferred future. Develop a process to assess workload management Ensure faculty and staff have opportunities for skill-building and wellness Assess our community’s needs in order to develop a long-term vision for programs and services Marsha review Priorities 4/10/2019
2007-2009 Priorities Priority 3: Ensure the financial health of the college Increase percentage of tuition-paying programs Develop alternative sources of income and build adequate college reserve fund Evaluate low demand programs for revision or elimination Further develop strategies to create community partnerships Marsha review Priorities 4/10/2019
2006-07 Initiatives Funded Based on the College-wide Priorities 1. Promote student learning and success. Increase funding in Tutoring * New Utility Worker position * Increase Part-time Faculty budget New Faculty in Nursing (2), Culinary Arts (1) and General Studies (1) Increase Liberal Studies office support * Increases in coordination funding in varied programs New media assistant position* New science lab tech position Room scheduling software Funding for increase in safety and security supplies 4/10/2019
2006-07 Initiatives Funded Based on the College-wide Priorities 2. Ensure the financial health of the college. Add a Program Assistant to Outreach Increase in Marketing dollars Fund program growth plans in Distance Learning* Budget benefits to calculated estimate (~$65,000) Transition positions from grant funding to State Operations funding Budget actual amounts for utilities Increase spending for apprenticeship contracts 4/10/2019
Fiscal Highlights FTE Impact within the District PRELIMINARY DATA only at this point 1st year of the biennium The information we have now will change SSCC Local Revenue Tuition, Running Start, International State Impacts Worker Retraining, BAS Degree, Accreditation Federal Impacts Title III, DOL Nursing Kurt overview this year’s fiscal highlights. 4/10/2019
Calendar March Communicate goals & priorities Complete UPDATES to Unit/Departmental Goals & Strategies (March 31st) using online template April Complete Budget worksheets Align with goals and priorities Submit to department Vice-Presidents Due April 23 Irina review calendar and deadlines. 4/10/2019
Calendar May June Vice-Presidents review budgets Budget planning sheets are due to Business Office May 7th College Council Hearings (May 8 & 10) June College-wide Budget Hearing Last week of the quarter Final budget approved Irina review calendar and deadlines. 4/10/2019
Handouts & Resources 2007-2009 Institutional Goals and College-wide Priorities 2007-2009 Budget Development Schedule SouthNet has varied information Email communication Kurt review with Jill. 4/10/2019
Summary South’s planning and budgeting processes are efficient and worthwhile No major cuts. Slight increase of spending (within the District) Focus on Retention and Completion Prioritize new initiatives Plan ahead Title III transition to state funds BAS Degree funding Accreditation cost Faculty Negotiations Impact? DOL Nursing Student Anthology Boeing Field Rent increase To Jill for review & revision 4/10/2019